Soon the New Year - time for miracles and magic, which means it's time to think about than to please family and friends. Choosing a gift for a family with a baby, give preference to cosmetic products that will help mom and dad to care for him.
This year
Johnson's Baby
produced extraordinary sets that will be useful to caring parents and their kids.
A wonderful gift for Mom and crumbs will
Johnson's Baby «Tenderness in every touch"
Composed from two new products.
Foam swimming Johnson's Baby with children's milk
excellently cleanse baby's sensitive skin, and
baby cream
It helps to make it soft and moisturized. Due to the formula "No more slez®" pipsqueak not upset, even if the foam accidentally gets in his eyes.

Johnson's Baby «We swim fun"
It is designed specifically for kids who love to splash and play in the bath.
Gel foam for bathing 2 in 1 "Merry bubbles" and Johnson's Baby Shampoo
do not graze eyes thanks to the formula "No more slez®." Stadiometer
Johnson's Baby
It will be a real helper mom, and she was always able to say with precision how pipsqueak grown.

Gift set
"Obedient curls" with children's shampoo, conditioner and hairspray Johnson's Baby «Easy combing"
It will help create the perfect little girl hairstyle hassle. With him mom can always beautifully put curls daughter and to have time for the holiday.

"It is important that the New Year has brought only positive emotions to all family members, especially the kid. Since children are very receptive to everything that is happening around, try to take a crumb something interesting - show him the shiny Christmas decorations, glowing lights garlands, sing Christmas songs or poems tell. If the baby is older, ask them to prepare for the holiday together. For example, make toys or snowflakes out of paper and then decorate their apartment or a Christmas tree. In addition, children are very fond of beautiful and bright outfits, so to come up with crumbs original costume that's sure he likes it. So, feeling the general mood of the child, even if it is still quite small, will smile and rejoice with you "
- Advises
Maria E. Baulina, assistant professor of clinical psychology and special Moscow City Pedagogical University, Ph.D., a member of the expert council of Johnson's Baby.
New Year - a family holiday, so try to spend it with the closest relatives and friends, as memories of these bright and happy days will long remain in the memory remains.
Estimated price sets Johnson's Baby:
"We swim fun": 246 rubles.
"Obedient locks": 292 rubles.
"Tenderness in every touch": 292 rubles.
Author: Anna Shustrova