Have you ever heard of pitikyure? No? Of course, all familiar with the concept of a pedicure and manicure. This is something that is an integral part of our lives. This is no surprise. Ironically, pitikyur - is not less than the usual procedure. And no less mandatory.
Care mysterious area
Pitikyur - is nothing more than a
care of the underarms
. Are you concerned about their condition? Then listen to the urgent need
Dr. Marmur
. Unfortunately, the question of armpits is often overlooked, is silent and materials on the subject not so much. That, of course, it is strange. About what the doctor said Marmur, a New York dermatologist. He described the basic rules of care for underarms and called the procedure "pitikyur."
Armpit - an area that requires
special attention
. If you sweat, there is discomfort or even severe irritation. To avoid this, you need to follow the basic principles of care for this delicate area. Why suffer silently, trying to rectify the situation antiperspirants and powders? Exist
set of rules
Compliance with which will save you from unpleasant thoughts and problems.
Pitikyur from Dr. Marmur
The procedure requires no trips to the beauty salon or records to the doctor. Make an appointment to the US expert, too, is not necessary. A set of recommendations is so simple that it can stick to
Without leaving a private bathroom. Interesting? Still would!
Pitikyur includes
three stages
. In them there is nothing complicated or original. Why then, you may ask, to talk about it? The fact is that no matter how simple and well-known as they are, many due to haste or banal laziness do everything as it should be, something overlooked, simplify the procedure. But those who now and in the future wants to be the owner of perfect skin underarm area, is to adhere to the full script. Pitikyur do regularly - and the difference will soon become obvious!

So, we begin:
armpits with a sponge and a natural cleansing agent, which should be suitable for sensitive skin. This will help clear pores and prevent irritation. This rule works the main principle - do no harm.
• After you clean the pores, armpits rinse with cool water. Then carefully
their soft towel. Wipe the conscience! Deodorant will not be able to fulfill its function, if to put it on still moist skin. In addition, moisture can accumulate in the folds and after a while cause irritation or diaper rash - skin problems armpits will be provided. Do you need it? Easy movement got rid of all the problems.
Apply antiperspirant
. It should be applied in three movements - no more, no less. Please hold the bottom up, then - from the top down. And fix the final procedure of the movement from the bottom up. To effect was complete, it is essential that was covered by an all inclusive skin with sweat glands. And last (but not least!) Rule - let deodorant
. Do not forget that it must be of high quality, quickly absorbed, non-irritating and does not stain clothes. Today there is a wide range of antiperspirants, so the choice will not be a problem. Buying it, consider your
skin type
. A good tool not only get rid of sweat, but also keep your skin smooth and soft.
And do not forget the key points without which achieve success in the fight for health and beauty armpits impossible:
• frequent changes of underwear;
• regular visits to the soul.
If you follow all the rules of every day, worry about their armpits do not have to!