When it comes to home-made cosmetics, most often refers to the masks, scrubs, lotions. With decorative cosmetics more complicated. But do not say that it's impossible!
Rub the lips and cheeks beet or carrot person, I do not propose. There are other options. Although no natural ingredients are indispensable. But it is only a plus. Detoxification in fashion, and not only in the food, cosmetic, our recently also undergo detox cleansing of chemicals and synthetics.
Nail polish their own hands
Let's start with varnish. It is fairly easy, and still get your own color that you will not find in any of the latest make-up collection, in any boutique. They say that the ancient Egyptians did semblance of modern lacquer using chips of precious stones. We all will be easier with the use of modern make-up, which is in any beautician.
We will need:
- Clear nail polish,
- Eyeshadow (any, can be broken, not necessarily quality, you can even overdue)
- The brush,
- A funnel.

As you know, the choice of color shades - is the choice of the future shade of nail polish. Pay attention to the texture of the shadows if shadows with sparkles - the future will also paint with glitter effect.
1) Compact shadows grind and grind can be a knife on a piece of paper.
2) Take another sheet of the funnel and pour in clear varnish crushed shadows.
3) Mix thoroughly with a brush or a toothpick. Do not use a brush, which you will then apply varnish (ie, brush on the lid) that it is not clogged with powder shadows. Stir thoroughly and should be long enough.
4) The varnish is ready!

It remains to make up nails.

Now any nail idea will be available to you, because your collection of nail colors can be as much as you wish.
Lipstick with their hands
Getting one more magic. In this regard, an analogy with history can be viewed. Because ancient beauties used as pigments for all natural lips: berries, fruits, clay ... will feel the beauties of the past years!
Method 1: Lipstick and blush beet
Do you know why our grandmothers used for lips and blush beet? This, of course, available, and high-quality ... But most importantly, this color is suitable for almost any skin color, it looks organically and naturally.
We will need:
- Coconut oil (almond is possible), 2 tablespoons;
- Beet (natural or in powder form, such as a filler sold soups), 1 teaspoon of dry powder or grated finely this beet;
- Beeswax, 1 tablespoon.

1) Heat in the microwave or in a water bath wax and oil. Heat gently, the wax should not start to burn.
2) Pour the mixture into the heated beet powder. The more beets, the richer shade out.
Transfer the mixture into a container (jar), it will harden and texture of this lipstick. Store in the refrigerator for no longer than a month.
Method 2: Berry Mix on the lips.
We need a variety of ripe berries, fresh or frozen.
- 3 blackberries (bright intense red color);
- 1 raspberry (feminine pink color);
- 3 pomegranate seeds (bright red);
- Half a teaspoon of vegetable oil (such as olive oil).

1) Mash the raspberries and blackberries in a small bowl.
2) Add the pomegranate juice, squeezing it from kernels pomegranate between thumb and forefinger.

3) Add the olive oil in the berries and mix.
4) Pour the resulting juice in the prepared container. You can drain the through cheesecloth.

Store in the refrigerator for no longer than two weeks.
The resulting liquid substance - is the desired lipstick. Of course, a little bit unusual. I would have called it liquid tinted lip balm. Apply to lips better brush or cotton swab, and the fingers can be, but they will be painted. If you enjoy the feeling of naturalness and natural lips - keep experimenting with different berries. For example, cherries, red grapes, or - a different color sensations. And if you count how many vitamins and antioxidants in a home color balm - of any other lipstick and do not want to think.
Photo: delightedmomma.com, thebeautydepartment.com, author photo