At first I made a bracelet doll to his niece and then to the girl, and then myself and decided. Adult aunt and Baubles? - You ask. You know, braided bracelets look quite decent. But if in doubt, weave is such a thing familiar to the girl, she will be very happy.
The idea №1. Bracelet "Fishtail"
Remember how to weave braid "fishtail"? Use this technique only instead pryadok thin hair are colored threads for embroidery. The color you choose for yourself. You can work on contrasts, but you can make the effect of the gradient color banners.
Take a different color thread floss 1 meter each. Here, 5 colors, a total of 15 filaments. Fold the threads in half and tie a loop at the end (as pictured).

Divide the thread on the two parts. On each side of three strands each color. Do not mix colors, threads of the same color must be close. Start weave braid. Take the three strands of the same color (here - orange) perekin'te left and the other side (on the right half of the filaments).

Take the same color, but on the other side (right) and perekin'te left. Repeat alternately so with all the colors. To figure "read" Follow the sequence of colors and cross them like a mirror. Keep the braid tight, so it does not unravel in the process.

Continue weaving until you reach the desired length. At the end tie a knot. Exactly trim the tips. At each end of the fixture can be adjusted in the form of fastener (typically used for necklaces and necklaces), you can come up with other ideas: the hook of the paper clip, pin and so ordinary.

Stylish thing ready. Very nice look these bracelets when they are several at once.

The idea №2. Braided Bracelet
You can make an interesting braid strands of floss, and use it as a bracelet. It is only necessary to learn how to weave the pattern yarns. Let us learn. It will take three colors of yarn floss (thick).

Cut a 72 cm length of each thread. Put all three strands together and tie a loop in half. Attach the loop (for example, a pin on the pillow or taped to the table), it was convenient to weave.

Spread the strands in order. The color, which should be in the center - to move to the center, and then in mirror order in two colors on each side. Make a knot between the two central threads.

Right from the central thread of the color moves to the right, turn right tying knots between the center and the right threads of another color.

Do the same from the left of the central strands with two other left. Must get this - the picture on the right.

Tie three more assembly. Between those strands, which were formed in the center, and then the two central and next to the center. Red thread would not be used! And complete another unit between the two central threads.

Next, complete the "diamond". To this red (the extreme left and right yarns), two nodes do for each thread of a different color. That is two knots around the yellow thread and two knots around the green. The threads come together in the center and make a knot between them (see photo on the right - that you should have).

From the side strands make two nodes on the right and the left. Then again we begin to spin diamonds (as it was at the beginning). Scourge of the length of the diamonds, which we need.

You did it!

If you understand the principles of weaving, you will not be difficult to make woven bracelets not only diamonds, but also with the "herringbone" and "ladder."

Photo: honestlywtf.com, stripesandsequins.com, author photo