We bring you the latest materials of our regular columns in the new issue of the monthly glossy magazine about precious stones, their properties and capabilities, as well as the illustrious history of domestic architecture of stone-cutting and the best examples of jewelry - "The color of Moscow."
Star guest.
Inna Malikova "Jewellery Fashion today has changed a lot, and I madly in love."
Fashion & Style.
"12 angels." Garden of Eden.
Scandalous and famous.
The sparkling charms of Demi Moore.
History in stone.
Turquoise Hippocrates.
"Gallery of Gems' is the author's jewelry Anastasia Passelskoy" Spring drops ".
Rare things.
Florentine mosaic. Art dedicated.
Stone of the month.
Moonstone, a diverse ward.
Natalia Nevrova "No identical snowflakes, no identical gems! "
Always true.
"Poselchonok" always with you!
Questions From Readers.
Mineral cylinder - home doctor. Treatment rosary - you need to know to great effect. Amulet or a talisman? - Are both useful, but the difference is in the details!
Therapeutic water and minerals. The best recipes for health.
The founder of the Florentine mosaic school in Tsarist Russia Ivan Sokolov. Pike stuffed in Sokolowski.
Health and beauty.
Jade diet. Mango, Ginger and minerals. Unique rules of supply that will help to lose weight in two weeks forever!
Good advice from the experts.
Myths and Realities of precious synthetic stones.
Collector corner.
Rare minerals Larimar - the sun, traveling on the waves.
Myanmar. Ruby country.
Favorite amethyst. How not to buy a fake.
Feng Shui - minerals necessary for the harmonization of health authorities in the home and office; open letters of our readers - true stories; star projections - Horoscope for March from Veronica Rivva.
The magazine is distributed by subscription (can be arranged on site
), Specialized in the fashion shows, the network of salons General Partner "Gallery of Gems" (
), A number of studios and beauty aesthetic medicine clinics, fitness centers "Tonus club" and a few dozen business center in Moscow.
