Magazine "The color of Moscow" in December: Interview of the month - The winner of the "Battle of psychics," Vitaly Gibert: "My greatest ability - the ability to love." Read in the New Year's issue!
It was published a new, special edition of the monthly magazine dedicated to precious stones, gems and history of stone-cutting and jewelry, as well as the beneficial effects of energy of natural stone on human health - "The color of Moscow."
We bring you the latest materials of our columns:
Vitaly Gibert "From stone to deal with both the living and then he will tell all their secrets"
News partners.
A new periodical "Ural Almanac collectibles"
History in stone.
Crystal ball Cagliostro.
Scandalous and famous.
Lyubov Orlova. Precious secrets of her youth.
Fashion & Style.
"Aida" - a conversation with an angel.
"Valery Art" - where the decorations are born, like fairy tales.
Therapy of the soul and the heart.
Eye stones - magical saved.
Rhinestone. The healer and magician.
Stone of the month.
Opal. Eternal magician and harlequin.
Health and beauty.
Jade diet for quick weight loss to the New Year.
Pavel Tretyakov. Genius left in centuries. Pheasant legs with honey marinade with lentils and vegetables in the New Year.
Collector corner.
Rare stones. Chrysocolla. Azure Flower time.
Astrology predictions - 2014.
What to expect from the coming year the Blue wooden horse.
Diamond placer under the sky of India.
The love of gold. How to make it mutual.
Feng Shui: one, two, three, four, five, happiness! I'm going to find you! ; Christmas toys with their own hands: aquamarine horse; always true: Mandarin - Orange symbol of wealth; readers' questions: New Year's divination gems; Horoscope for December from Veronica Rivva.
The magazine is distributed by subscription (on the site can be issued favorit-info.com), specialized in the fashion shows, the network of salons General Partner "Gems Gallery» (galleris.ru), in a number of studios Beauty and cosmetic surgery clinics. Separate editions of materials presented on the site http://prevesti.ru/.
