Every time knocking on our door, Ms. Vesna, my feet sink into the puddles, mud and my bad mood. Well, judge for yourself how good it be, when you come to work in stained shoe and instead of coffee in the morning, according to tradition is "pomyvka morning." Cursing dirty spring, I dream of ... what do you think? Quite true! About galoshes! The blessing with me thinking about them, and designers. For example, the famous Norwegian fashion accessories brand has released a series of SWIMS galoshes for every taste. In London, they have become a real hit, whose fame is slowly but surely gets up to Russia.
"Galoshes" or "galoshes" originated from a famous French word «galoches» and German «Kaloschen». Both mean rubber lining for footwear, made of rubber or, in another embodiment, "upper shoes." You probably never thought about how many species there are in the world galoshes: galoshes on his boots, Garden galoshes, overshoes Asian children, cotton, rubber black patent leather, overshoes to be worn on fur boots ... and this is not the entire list. So what is the company's specialists have come up with an incredible SWIMS?

And they have developed a completely new and different from other design galoshes.
Here and stiletto lovers have what to choose, and fans of sports style there is where to turn. And all this variety is available not only for women but also for men. So, go to the heart of the matter, that is, the shoe itself.
First, let's talk about shoes, developed by the young Norwegian designer Johan Ringdalom, which caused a public outcry in the Nordic countries (in particular, the collection of galoshes Cityslippers became a real hit with locals).
For lovers of heels
: There are special shoes and overshoes for boots. Not the usual black rubber, and various colors. There are even two-tone model.
This is not only practical, but also beautiful. So you can upgrade your favorite shoes, which "rubbed in the nose" and change the color of shoes to come to this or that favorite outfit. Looks are galoshes as follows:
You say that these models are designed exclusively for shoes and moccasins? And here and there! I hasten to please you, on a beautiful half of humanity, you can wear galoshes and boots and even boots.
you can put aside your favorite shoes, because now this type of shoe appeared serious competitor. Yes, yes, you're right, I am again talking about galoshes!
Now I want to tell you about the extraordinary idea of the designers' know-how. " If you remove Cityslippers galoshes and look at the soles, you'll see ... No, not lumps of dirt and dust. And do not even gum stuck to them. You will see the ribbed map of any capital of the world! It all depends on the size of your lovely legs. It could be a boulevard (soles Medium 37-38 size), and Tokyo (Cityslippers Small 35-36razmera) and Manhattan (Large 39-40 size). These cards are not just a decorative element. So if you break your head what you map of Tokyo, if you go back and do not intend to, say, ribbed sole allows you to feel more confident when walking on schebёnke, asphalt and even sand.

And do not forget about the powerful. That is about men! And represents a collection of galoshes, made especially for them.
Well, I, while writing this stuff, I realized one thing: I just needed galoshes! Now, during the financial crisis, should be protected and loved boots and expensive designer boots. So I do not know about you, but I'm going to the store. Where to buy this beauty? I have to say, only in your ear! Shop "Republic" in Moscow and Free-Lance in St. Petersburg. Only this - tssss! No!
Meet me on the dirty streets!