... You got from the designer, flew a couple of meters and landed on a soft spot. And why? Yes, because in an unusual exclusive footwear is not what to go, sometimes even stand scary. Especially poor model that this miracle should not only cut down the runway, but still with the smile and pretend that they are the most comfortable shoes.
And why is all this? Yes, because every designer wants recognition that it was isolated from all his brothers, as something special ... For this they are willing to take all sorts of tricks: from the usual traffic jams and footwear offer, and wire and foam.
Want to find unusual and surprise zavistnits shoes? Make is not difficult, much more difficult to wear them. I offer you the top ten most uncomfortable shoes and in opposition to them - top unusual shoes that you can still go ten meters.
About this obuvki I mentioned above:
cork slippers
I doubt that they can pass through the city at a normal pace, and if in a hurry for a date or a job, then catch a bus or tram is only one way: to remove this miracle with your lovely legs and run barefoot.
On the same parameters "cork slippers" are not inferior and these

I'm afraid even to stand in their need to work. And on the idea of the designer, the man should hold the posture, when instead sustainable heel under his heel - circle.
And another "innovator" proposed improvements similar form of boots. And just tied at the feet of a stable board.
Only now, this popular footwear still did not. Maybe because it does not look convincing, perhaps because it reminds limbs cloven-hoofed. Yes, and you just want to ask how this, my friend, do you want to wear? In hot weather, but city streets? Rubbing on a stalk of corn and countless walking in dusty, dirty sidewalk? No, thank you. To wear these shoes, I myself have to pay extra. But I still will not - your health is more important. You never know what sort of infection on the streets of the city can be found.
The next instance was developed specifically for men. I am leaving him without comment. Let me just say that in China it is already starting to wear.
And they better not wear shoes, if you go to places of mass gatherings.
Someone will notice this "parachutes" attached to your heels, and all - the flight is provided to you. And God forbid that this is the cloth drop your softened.
Well, how to walk in these sandals for me also remains a mystery.

Wire and legs will rub and grilling in hot weather. Even in the cool there, too, especially not resemble - dusty feet.
The fact that these shoes were comfortable, too, can be said. Even despite the fact that they have a heel. When walking in such footwear is necessary to keep a balance and think about how would not stumble. And if you think about it constantly, meaning they buy and wear?
So, we turn to
The final three "failed" pans designers
. For example, here are the footwear of the foam.
It seems to be the size it is not necessary to guess. I bought once and the whole family is. However, with regard to practicality, it is unnecessary purchases. The foam is short-lived, and the rods holding the leg, too, can break at any time. And the form, again, triangular, only slows the movement, rather than contribute to an active lifestyle.
One gets the impression that all these ideas are made "on the knee" of available materials. As well as the shoes of one of the famous companies. It has done - out of the box for shoes.
Well, the last representative of an unusual open sandals shoes, do not hold the foot on the sole.

And now go to the shoe, which is also distinguished by its uniqueness, but in contrast to his "brothers" more convenient and practical.
1. Sandals future.
2. Spring mood.
3. Romance proposed Karo's Shoes.
4. studing.
Shoes, proposed in collaboration company
and director of the brand
Nicolas Ghesquiere
5. Gently pink retrostil.
Especially popular here these
. I think they will remain in vogue even a dozen years.
7. In a fashion purple!
The news was picked up by all! Even famous arhitektorsha Zaha, which is engaged in architecture. The truth is now on her account there are a couple of creative shoe.
8. This is not enough spring in the soul, it can lodge in your legs.
9. sandals in the style of "noggin."

And the last, closing the top ten unusual beautiful obuvki,
sandals from the company Schoeffel
. In fact, she is engaged in pearl jewelry. Why did the founders have moved in the shoe industry - is unclear. Most likely, the willingness of the fair sex wear jewelry, not only on the hands, neck and ears, and feet to highlight their harmony and beauty. In any case, this model was due to cooperation of the company and the designer Marc Schoeffel
Unrath & Strano
And finally, only one wish:
go is what you like
. What you will feel comfortable and convenient. And if this is the comfort you deliver 15-centimeter sandals, then for God's sake, wear them! Just be sure to throw in a purse e moccasins. Reserve. And then you never know. Goddess can be during working hours, in the evening. And if you hurry to her grandmother, but not before the store, and even a pharmacy safely change shoes.