Whether early in the 20 years to think about the aging of the skin? Cosmetologists say: "The best time! ". It was at this age should begin to engage in the prevention of premature skin aging. And for this to take simple steps.
When starting the first signs of skin aging? Then, when you start to notice fine lines in the skin. Another clear sign that you can see - the lack of brightness of the skin: the skin becomes dull and it does not seem to have enough of their own radiance. All this takes place at different ages, but is usually in the range from 25 up to 30 years. So why are we talking about, what to think about aging we should start at age 20?
Cosmetologists say that
There are two types of aging:
- Physiological, which is inevitable and genetically caused,
- And accelerated (or premature), it is due to external factors: bad ecology, stress, sun, unhealthy lifestyle and others.
It is because the factors that accelerate aging in the 20 years we can notice the first wrinkles on the skin. Accelerated aging may be slowed by a healthy lifestyle and the corresponding cosmetic treatment, already at 20 years.
We are looking for the right products
The main anti-aging treatment in 20 years to become
Caring for the skin around the eyes
. It should start when you notice the first fine lines in this area. Skin around the eyes is much thinner, and therefore more vulnerable to the signs of aging. Having noticed the first changes in the skin around the eyes, you need to buy a special cream for the skin around the eyes and start to use it. This must be exactly the cream rather than serum. Serum - a highly concentrated product for wrinkles and aging skin, not for the 20-year-olds.

Products Clarins Multi-Active Day Early Wrinkle Correction Cream to correct early wrinkles
Another product that protect against premature wrinkles and dullness of the skin - is
. It is understood that the protection of the skin from the sun will age at the time, and not before. At rest in the southern sun, always apply sunscreen to your face. If you live in central Russia and in the north, for the daily sun protection enough daily moisturizer, tone or multitasking (BB, CC, DD) with a filter SPF.
Essential ingredient of your money should be antioxidants. They are the primary prevention of accelerated aging as protect the skin from damaging its processes. In addition to protecting against free radicals, antioxidants, stimulates the natural repair processes of the skin, and therefore help the production of new collagen fibers of the skin. All of antioxidants activate cell renewal and give the face a brighter and more radiant. Antioxidants are found in all media, where there is exposure and extracts of fruits and herbs.

Cream Clinique Youth Surge Night Age Decelerating Moisturiser, a night product for young skin to prevent premature aging
The fundamental error of 20-year-olds
Many saw the first wrinkles, mistakenly believe that we should start using highly concentrated anti-aging agent. The harder it is - the better. They think that a cream for 40-50-year-olds will give a strong blow to the first wrinkles and get rid of them.
This is not true. Moreover, this approach provokes even more rapid aging. The product is labeled 40+ or 50+ only suitable for this age group.
Another mistake Estheticians believe looping on anti-aging care only for the skin around the eyes. Do not underestimate care and other problem areas of skin. The first and obvious signs of aging even threaten her lips, neck and hands. These areas are vulnerable, too, can not be ignored. For the lips, for example, you should buy a balm for hands - your own cream, designed for hands.
The transition to new, more concentrated and anti-aging products should be only when you start to notice the appearance of new wrinkles or age spots.
More help anti-aging
What else will help stop premature aging? Not cosmetics, and some actions.
- Check the sight, buy glasses.
Even if you have a very small "minus", you can start involuntarily squint when you look into the distance. Clearly, this leads to extra wrinkles. Solve the problem properly fitted glasses. They will become a new and stylish accessory, and will help you not to squint. I wear them all the time is not necessary, but while watching a movie or on the street - is desirable.
- Do not smoke.
Smoking not only poisons the skin and whole body. All smokers have experienced early and characteristic wrinkles around the lips (such senile vertical line). Stop until it's too late!
- Drink of the glasses, cups and glasses.
No straws - many know about it. Cocktail tubes (straws) form almost the same as that of smokers wrinkles. But not only the straw dangerous. If you're used to drink juice and cola of cans or bottles, you are waiting for about the same issues - the ugly wrinkles around the mouth.

- Watch his facial expressions.
If you frequently involuntarily frown, forehead, eyes schurite - all this in the future creates deeper wrinkles. All manifestations of facial expressions are possible, it makes a person alive, and emotions - sincere. But while working on a computer in class, driving in a dream, try to relax the facial muscles. It is impossible to remove stress from the face? Take time for a brief massage with a light moisturizer. This "punishment" face. A dramatically help Botox. Yes, it can be done after 20 years. However, most experts insist that the best start after 25 years. Answer the question whether you need Botox, helps a doctor from the clinic. Go for consultation in the salon, or clinic, and then make a decision about injections.