For fans of natural cosmetics autumn harvest season - the perfect time to start experimenting. Ripe summer fruits are good for both health and beauty. They are not only able to saturate the energy and vitamins inside, but no less effectively on the outside of our body.
Following the well-known English proverb, eating one apple a day, about doctors and can not remember. Yes, and Estheticians them easily forgotten. Apples are rich in pectin, vitamins and minerals. They are well-soothe, tone, moisturize and eliminate the dead cells. These fruits are sure to help owners of tired and aged skin. Enough are mixed artless but effective apple mask gives the skin a fresh, radiant color.
To this end, peeled and grated apple mean you need to add one teaspoon of lemon juice and liquid honey. Carefully blended mass is applied to the washed face and after 15 minutes, gently remove with a cotton pad soaked flower water. If the skin is thin and fragile, it is better to use lemon instead of a few drops of rose oil.

Apple mask is suitable for all skin types. It can be applied without limitations. Sour apples winter varieties better suited for oily skin, while sweet, fruit sugar is better for dry and sensitive skin. Do not forget that the apple snacks - great for those watching their figure. These fruits regulate metabolism and help to reduce cholesterol levels.
Like apples, pears help to normalize digestive, refreshing, reduce stress and tone. They include a lot of useful vitamins, essential oils and organic acids, including folic acid and niacin, maintaining youthful skin and body as a whole. The rich sugar, pears are ideal for softening and soothing irritated skin.

For a soothing mask to choose a well-ripe, almost soft, medium-sized pear and cut it into quarters. Crush pieces with a fork, turning them into a puree. To this add one tablespoon of oatmeal, a teaspoon of sour cream and a few drops of walnut oil (the best of the hazelnuts). Mix until a homogeneous mass consistence for 20 minutes and put on the face. Then rinse with warm water.
Grapes are rich in vitamins and fruit acids, deep cleanses the skin. Big its water content gives it excellent moisturizing qualities. Grapes suitable for all skin types, but is especially good for mature skin. This fruit has long been famous for its anti-aging properties. Antioxidants, which are full of his seed, great fight free radicals that cause skin aging. A good reason to treat yourself to a rejuvenating mask.
For its preparation will have to tinker a bit, choosing from grapes small handful of seeds. They need to be put in a mortar and try to crush as finely as possible. To add weight half a teaspoon of wheat germ oil. All are mixed and applied to cleansed face. After 30 minutes, remove the excess with a cotton swab dipped in rose water. It's worth noting that the white grape varieties suitable for light skin and black - for dark.

There is a simpler means. 15-20 grapes, freed from seeds, mash with a fork, adding to them in two tablespoons of clay (white is best suited for sensitive skin and green - for oily), and one tablespoon of honey. Too thick mass it is possible to dilute a small amount of water. This ten-minute mask is well softens and soothes the skin.
In this autumn berry - more than 90% water. It is quite suitable for the handling of the day. It is also found aphrodisiac properties and its
essential oils and vitamins improve metabolism and refreshes the skin, making it more elastic and smooth. Watermelon is able to solve such problems of the skin, like acne, porosity, fine wrinkles, fading, dry and so on.

The easiest way to keep your skin in good shape - on a regular basis using a cotton swab apply on the face, neck and décolleté watermelon juice. For best results, it is necessary to hold on the skin for 10-15 minutes, then rinse.
According to many nutritionists, water melon and honey - food, heavy on the stomach. However, these ingredients come beautiful, soothing and anti-aging facial toner. You just mix two tablespoons watermelon juice with one tablespoon of liquid honey and apply on face for 10-15 minutes.
More high-calorie watermelon brother, but no less useful. Melons especially good for dry and irritated skin. It is able to quickly remove minor burns by putting moisturizing and anti-inflammatory effect. The flesh of this fruit is well evens skin tone and refresh it. A mixture of half a cup of juice melon, watermelon, milk, diluted with a little water, is suitable as a soothing and refreshing tonic for the whole body.

But if you want to try cosmetic mask melon, it is best to make one of the most simple and effective. Flesh melon knead and spread the resulting slurry on the face. After 20 minutes wash all. Those who do not like to mess with pureeing, you can simply cut melon into thin slices and place them on the face for 10-15 minutes.
She is known for low in calories and a good diuretic properties, making it attractive for those wishing to lose weight. A plum oil is ideal for powering the most sensitive areas of the body (the area around the eyes, lips). Plum copes with the problems of dry and sensitive skin, often covered with spots.

To do this, from soft, ripe plums squeeze two tablespoons of juice and add to it a few drops of almond oil. The resulting liquid with the pulp for 10 minutes applied to the face, and then wash off with water. The procedure is repeated two or three times a week.
Alternating external application of autumn fruits with internal, you can achieve a triple effect, and receiving pleasure, and health and beauty!