Cold air and wind effect on the skin is not the case, as the sun and humidity. Therefore it is important to prepare your skin for new challenges, and not be afraid of winter. If you prepare for it, it will not bring the skin concerns.
Prepare your skin for winter cold
Cold weather makes dry skin even drier. And you have to change not only the clothes, but also move on to other daily skin care products.
- Change to the creams, lotions and oils. This will create an additional barrier to the skin so as not to lose moisture. Creams give a different feeling, it's true, but you have to get used to the product in the winter, because such a heavy texture better protect the skin from cold temperatures and cold dry air.

- Change the hot water to warm, long hot baths - short and warm. Generally, the water treatment should be much shorter with the arrival of cold weather. The main thing - do not take a bath or shower just before going out, the skin must be completely dry and wipe with a towel this procedure does not finish. Immediately after exiting the warm bath should be applied to the skin moisturizer. Furthermore, it should move to the moisturizing detergent that is your shower gels comprise oil should instead simply herbal extracts.

- Do not give up on sunscreen daily in the media. In winter, you can be satisfied with index SPF of 15, while in summer, the figure was at least SPF 30. SPF sunscreen should be in creams, day moisturizing cream and lipstick.

- You have already accustomed themselves to drink as much as possible during the day? In winter, it is also useful. But we recommend instead of 2 liters of water to drink 2 liters of warm herbal tea. This works magically for your body, not only hydrates, but clarifies the mind and rejuvenates the body and skin!

Buy a new means for the skin
And now - shopping. Our favorite pastime. Let's buy a new skin products suitable for the winter season:
. Exfoliate the winter should be more delicate, so give up scrubs with abrasive particles and coarse brushes. And buy a scrub that works as a chemical peel, that is due to acid contained in it. Even for very sensitive, dry and irritated skin suit scrubs with lactic acid. This is the least allergenic acid. For all skin types and is suitable scrub with salicylic acid. Exfoliate the winter should be: body - once a week, for a face - 2-3 times a week.

Moisturizing cream
. Now we can use any cream (including the tone) oil based. This kind of creams prevents the evaporation of moisture from the skin surface. You can buy oil for the skin and add it to your favorite creams, if you do not want them to change. And for those who do not like creams, oils, in principle, it may be advisable to buy a water-based agent, but be sure to have in their composition Vaseline or glycerine. And do not forget to apply a moisturizer immediately after any water treatment, whether it be a shower or washing.

- For the winter also means a better fit
without odors and perfumes
. Our skin is spending too much time in the winter under clothing, and irritation can not be avoided. And the presence of perfume smells usually indicates that the product contains alcohol. This ingredient is very dry and irritate the skin, especially if it is not possible to evaporate from the skin surface.

Changing habits
- Winter refuse additional heating devices. They dry the air, which is detrimental to the skin and hair. If the presence of an extra battery can not be avoided, it is necessary to buy a humidifier. Be sure to turn it on before going to bed to sleep in the air in the room was wet.
- Go to the more fatty foods in the diet and need. It's not about the harmful and the beneficial fats. Fatty acids, such as Omega-3 help restore the natural barrier of the skin. They help to keep the skin hydrated to prevent dryness. Most winter food for us: walnuts, sunflower oil, tuna, salmon, sardines. Sounds appetizing, right?
- Steam baths can be done once a week in winter. They will open the pores, get rid of toxins and make the skin softer as a whole after the harsh wind and cold.
- You can further protect your hands from dryness and aging. Any oil-based cream - good solution. And further help ... make-up. In the morning, when you do make-up, excess foundation with a brush, apply to the back of his hand. A SPF filter and oil bases in the concealer will be an additional protection against cold and wind.