I am one of those active girls who have no time for all of their vital interests. Traveling, reading, sports, cycling, journalism, education of the child, social networks, going shopping, watching your favorite TV series, going to the theater, meeting with friends - all this you can catch just something sacrificing. At this stage, the victim of this for me was playing sports, namely trips to the gym and to collective Pilates workout that week consuming more than four hours. But to give up sports altogether would be too blasphemous. It has done so much to gain toned shape and maintain it now, I decided to help plan Tabata, who takes all (you would not believe!) 4 minutes a day. But you would know what it is 4 minutes!
Tabata is a really short but very intensive sports training. It was named in honor of its author - Japanese scientist Izumi Tabata, who along with his colleagues from the research group has shown that intense interval training effective hour fitness.
Tabata inseparable from such a device as a stopwatch and is closely linked with the concept of interval. Now I will explain. Stopwatch saves you from having to count repetitions of each exercise. In total there will be eight, and they have to perform in the most rapid pace. Each exercise should be repeated for 20 seconds, which will help to measure the stopwatch. Now for the interval. Prerequisite Tabata - 10 seconds breaks after each exercise. To measure these 10 seconds again will the stopwatch.
Exercises for Tabata can choose at their discretion. But it is important that due to them were involved in all the major muscle groups. I'll show you an example of successful exercises for training Tabata.
Exercise № 1. Squats
Starting position: stand with your feet shoulder width apart, arms at your sides. Pinpoint 20 seconds for them to take rapid deep squats, bringing the thigh in parallel with the floor. Hands to raise with the same line with the case, we try not to take your heels off the floor. After 20 seconds to make a break of 10 seconds. Exercise actively involved muscles of the thighs, buttocks and back.

Exercise № 2. Lunges
Starting position: stand up straight, feet together, hands on his belt. Pinpoint 20 seconds for them to take rapid attacks the one, then the other leg. NEXT to the hip of the front leg came out in parallel with the floor and the poor back - in the perpendicular. Shoulders down, back straight. After 20 seconds to make a break of 10 seconds. Exercise actively involved muscles of the thighs and buttocks.

Exercise № 3. Reverse push-ups
Starting position: sitting on the floor, her back to the chair, emphasized his hands on his seat. Pinpoint 20 seconds for them to take rapid reverse push-ups, bringing the thigh parallel to the floor. At the lowest point of the buttocks almost touching the floor, and immediately goes to the top. After 20 seconds to make a break of 10 seconds. Exercise actively involved arm muscles.

Exercise № 4. Twisting
Starting position: Lie on the floor, knees bent, feet on the floor, arms bent at the elbows, hands behind his head. Pinpoint 20 seconds for them to take rapid rise housing upstairs. At the same floor off the head, shoulders and shoulder blades. After 20 seconds to make a break of 10 seconds. Exercise actively involved abdominal muscles.

Exercise № 5. Lifting the buttocks
Starting position: Lie on the floor, knees bent, feet on the floor, arms along the body. Pinpoint 20 seconds for them to take rapid rise in the buttocks up. It follows that the body with hips formed a straight line, and the stomach was retracted. After 20 seconds to make a break of 10 seconds. Exercise actively involved muscles of the buttocks, thighs and abs.

Exercise 6. "Basket"
Starting position: Lie on stomach, arms straight in front of you, palms facing each other. Pinpoint 20 seconds for them to take rapid rise hands, head, shoulders and legs off the floor. Thus, the body is curved in an arc-like basket. After 20 seconds to make a break of 10 seconds. Exercise actively involved muscles of the back, chest, thighs and buttocks.

Exercise № 7. Dips
Starting position: lying face stress to the floor in the palm of the hands and toes. Zasekal 20 seconds and during their rapid dewatering taking such a way as to form an acute angle of the elbow. Buttocks do not make an issue of top, keep stomach was retracted, and the body with the legs formed a straight line. After 20 seconds to make a break of 10 seconds. Exercise actively involved muscles of the arms and chest.

8. Plank Exercise
Starting position: lying face stress in a floor on your hands and toes. Pinpoint 20 seconds and keep them for the bar. As in the previous exercise, we do not make an issue of the buttocks upward, keep stomach was retracted, and the body with the legs formed a straight line. After 20 seconds to make a break of 10 seconds. Exercise actively involved muscles of the arms and chest.

By the end of training my heart beats racing. The first time I made only one lap Tabata. Now I am able to increase the number of approaches to 3, sometimes even in the mood to 5 times. Of course, in this case, it goes to the gym has not 4, and all of 20 minutes. But still it is not an hour that I spend in the gym. And the effects are no worse. And this despite the fact that every day I can not train. In the week I was doing Tabata 3-4 times depending on the workload.
I think, important additions to such training, directly affecting the result are my regular biking over rough terrain and moderate balanced diet, has become the norm of my life.
So my fashion experiment Tabata I really liked, and his breath after such an intense, I find it quite successful.