As I was waiting for this summer! Time, when the light begins to bestow me not only light but also heat. Time, when the sun will fill juice vegetables and fruits, thus enriching my diet and filled it with vitamins. And so I wanted a Gentile bow fiery planet for life, for the joy of life, which she gives to our Earth. That's why I was so happy when he found the ancient Indian practice of "Surya Namaskar", which means "sun salutation". It represents a complex of exercises, which combine yoga asanas with meditation and dynamic movement.
So I shoot a fashion experiment and going to greet the sun with the help of this extraordinary complex. And perhaps it would be more logical to make it closer to the sun. On this occasion, I climb the scenic projection.
To better tune in training
"Surya Namaskar"
I am taking a little meditation. To do this, become straight, arms fall along the trunk and close my eyes. I try to mentally feel all my body from head to toe and remove all internal clamps, clothespins if annoying. Then I imagine that to the top of my head is attached thread that pulls me up. Then I mentally imagine the Earth's gravity, which pulls me down. Finally, at the same time and I try to feel the thread, pulling me up and force pulling to the ground. Breathe.
Now you can start training. Without opening his eyes, I put in the hands of
prayer pose
Which, incidentally, is the first asana "Surya Namaskar". Exhale.

Next asana is called
. To go into it just to inhale lift arms straight up, as if they reach for the sun, and back to sag back.

Next asana -
lean forward
. I pass it slowly exhale. Head drawn to his knees, and his hands are laid on the ground in front of him.

Now inhale bend the knee of one leg and the second leg otvozhu ago, the situation is not changing hands. It called Asana

From her front leg is removed, exhale back, buttocks fed to the top, and place the head between her hands, heels drawn to earth. I love this asana. From my body I like I build a triangle. This situation is called
"Dog muzzle down"

Holding his breath exhale, I turn in Asan
"Eight points"
. To do this, go down the knees on the ground. Thus, the earth touch my breasts, hands, knees and toes.

On the inhale in turn asana
. To do this, the hip down to the earth, the upper torso off the floor, his back flex upward, throws his head back.

Next to the prayer asana back through asana "Mountain" on the exhale, asana "rider" on the breath, lean forward as you exhale and "sunny" asana on inspiration.
But this is only half of the circle "Sun Salutation".
Then I repeat again all 12 asanas in the sequence described above with the only difference that I was supporting leg in asana "rider."
Synchronize asanas breathing I could not at once, but gradually began to turn naturally. I do recommend "Surya Namaskar" as many times as I feel comfortable. Sometimes it is only 3 terms sometimes 6. It depends on the internal state. I just listen to yourself, enjoy my classes, do not commit violence against themselves, I try to think of the sun, to dissolve it.
At the end of class, I just lay down on your back, close my eyes, I try to pull the body in a straight line, to breathe and to relax completely for half a minute.
Feeling the completion of this wonderful practice of stunning. I feel peace with itself and in harmony with the world around me. After months of training my body became much more flexible and pliable, stronger muscles of the abdomen and thighs, fat left in the sides, improved mobility of the spinal vertebrae. And I became much harder to sleep, excessive irritability disappeared and more active metabolism.
It remains for me to warn the reader only some limitations and contraindications that exist for employment "Surya Namaskar".
Thus, the complex "Sun Salutation" should be avoided with high blood pressure, arterial insufficiency, shear or herniated spinal disks, conditions following stroke.
For its internal states should listen during painful menstruation and pregnancy. If the period of training causes discomfort, it is best to move to a more favorable period.
His fashion is an experiment with "Sun Salutation" I feel successful. I found it all that is so necessary for the modern woman: the perfect combination of movement and meditation practices to help strengthen the nervous system and feel harmonious and happy.