Why experts insist that each of us had a cardio-load? Yes, because a healthy heart can not only improve the quality of life, but also its duration. Most classes in the fitness rooms have become ineffective because of the lack of good cardio load.
Experts advise in every workout to include cardio exercise. Then a strong heart will allow you to put any problems in the fitness room. The most effective are the workout, in which at least 30 minutes dedicated cardiovascular stress. This time is quite enough to improve heart function and prevent heart sosuditsym problems in the future.
So maybe it's time to reconsider their habitual visiting fitness clubs, always starting classes in the hall cardio workout? It only remains to choose the appropriate form of such a load. Here's a quick overview to help you choose:
1. Running.
This is the best cardio workout. Running is effective in all respects, it is also very accessible. You only need a good pair of running shoes for running: with thick soles for winter, and a fine - for the summer. With binding arch support! If the shoes are unsuitable, you will experience pain in the knees and shins.
2. Biking.
Good training! Of course, best of all - in the air. But in the winter or in rainy weather can also use an exercise bike. Very good training - driving in hilly terrain, riding uphill - excellent training of the heart muscle. By the way, the bicycle with multiple speeds will allow you to initially not very tired.
3. The elliptical trainer.
If you go to the gym, be sure to devote some time to this wonderful simulator that allows you to distribute the load directly to all parts of the body. Now it is one of the most popular trainers, it simulates jogging, walking uphill, running uphill, and generally perfectly strengthens the heart. Many wealthy people are buying home exercise bike is not, namely, here are the "machine."
4. Swimming.
Buy beautiful fashionable swimsuit - and you're motivated! And then - just go to the pool or on the coast, and swim. The best technique for cardio workout - breaststroke, moreover, it provides the highest adrenaline rush. But the rest of the techniques can be quite effective, especially if you do not forget about the feet and working quite intensively. Now, many clubs have swimming pools, so start training with swimming - very cool!
5. Step Aerobics.
These lessons can be practiced at home, including a ready set of exercises on DVD. This is a fun way to listen to good music and upbeat at the same time to train the heart. Can only be able to give more dance-like effect. In addition, training at home can save a lot of time! While training in the hall, in good company, with a professional instructor often little more efficient.
6. Rowing.
Type of training, of course, rare, although it should not be underestimated. The fact that now in the rowing exercises are prestigious clubs in the West. The difficulty is that no special equipment is necessary. But if you live near a body of water, where there is such a club, there is something down. Or, try to start the simulator simulates the movement of the rower. This is a very good source of adrenaline, hands get excellent development of all muscles. There are simulators where the legs also move with his hands, and this becomes very useful cardio load.
7. Walking.
For this cardio workout you can take anytime, almost anywhere. The only thing you have to remember - it is a work of the hands, which are sometimes neglected. Be sure to bend and unbend his hands while walking and then it will become your favorite cardio-load, because nothing else is required, and you will notice results immediately, in the form of excellent digestion, good mood and energy.
8. racquetball, handball or racquetball.
It can be paired, as it is possible and audio. There are rooms equipped for such training. Now you can safely try out such studies, because you know that it is not just fun and interesting, but still incredibly useful. And it's not boring to knock a ball against the wall! Just be sure to stock up on protective goggles, and these small little blue balls bounce so fast at first, that it is difficult to follow.
9. Boxing.
Excellent training of heart and movement coordination. And also a good way to lose weight. And boxing, kick boxing and give a good training of the heart muscle. Kick-boxing, among other things, strengthen the legs a little more. And if there are problems in coordinating and holding the balance - it is best to simple classic boxing. It is fashionable now to training, especially for business women.
10. Yoga.
Believe it - no, but some yoga practices offer enough vigorous load, in which the heart is beating very intensively. For example, Ashtanga-yoga (ashtanga) is the perfect combination of aerobics and yoga poses. For such activities do not require any fashion, nor even shoes. Try to consult with an instructor, you may prompt a few simple exercises.

But even if you do not have enough time to employment cardio exercises, remember that do suck a brief training session, it is better for you than doing nothing. Do not be afraid of intensive training, they will save your heart!
Be sure to consult with a specialist.