5 Tibetan "pearls" - a five wonderful exercises came down to us from the heights of Tibet. They were presented to the civilized world the Tibetan monks who say that regular implementation of these simple steps, you can not only save or restore physical fitness, muscle tone, get rid of excess weight, become more flexible and agile, but also bring back the joy of life, to gain vitality, heal your body, filling it with life force.
Tibetan classes begin five "pearls" is a three repetitions of each exercise. After each week of training should be added two more repeat, bringing in the long run, the number of repetitions of each exercise to 21. The magic of numbers, for sure, is familiar to fans of yoga. Time for training is determined based on their daily routine. Ideally, it would be in the morning at sunrise or in the evening at sunset it. All training will not take you more than 15-20 minutes. Its main condition - it regularly. Work should be every day.
A special role in the implementation of the Five Tibetan "pearl" playing proper breathing. A deep breath should be done through the nose and exhale through the mouth. At the same time you exhale, you should like to release all the negative out of himself, even if it can make a sound "ho."
The rest of the right to engage in five Tibetan "pearls" are no different from any other sport training. So, it is better to spend 45 minutes after meals and at the latest at least a couple of hours before bedtime. All training is also important to stay in good shape: pick the abdomen, buttocks draw, straighten his shoulders. All of the exercises to be performed strictly in the following order.
Tibetan "pearl» №1

The first exercise is the rotation around its axis necessarily clockwise. To do this, place the feet shoulder-width apart, arms outstretched to the sides and a little bend in the elbows. If you have a weak vestibular system and practicing first Tibetan "pearl" you experience dizziness or nausea, you can try the following actions:
1. During the rotation of the sight is fixed on one point, though the body goes forward, and his head quickly dovorachivat after him again to catch the eyes of the selected point.
2. Do less rotations than planned, as much as can be done without discomfort. For example, if you have the rest of the exercise is repeated 15 times, the rotation can be carried out at 9 or 5.
3. If this does not work, do not perform the first "pearl" at all. Try to return to it after a couple of months, Tibetan practices.
Tibetan "pearl» №2

The second exercise is the twisting of the body. It is performed in the supine position. Hands should be located along the trunk. At the same time the shoulders off the floor and straight legs to derive perpendicular to the floor. We fix this position and slowly return to the original. This exercise is one of the best workouts abdominal muscles.
Tibetan "pearl» №3

The third exercise is performed on his knees, hands should like to support the buttocks, chin pressed against his chest. From this position, we perform the deflection back ago. We fix this position and slowly return to the original. This exercise is one of the best prevention of stagnation in the spinal column.
Tibetan "pearl» №4
The fourth exercise is done sitting on the floor. Knees straight, focus on palm, close to the buttocks, head down. From this position, we perform the deflection body upstairs, taking it in parallel with the floor, her head tilted back, the emphasis on the palms and soles of the feet. We fix this position and slowly return to the original. This exercise is an excellent prevention of cellulite and shapes the aesthetic line of hand.
Tibetan "pearl» №5
Last the fifth exercise is done with an emphasis on hands and toes, back in the original position need to bend back, throw back his head. Next, lift your tailbone up, heels are drawn on the floor, carefully bend back inward, knees straight. We fix this position and slowly return to the original. This exercise - a great stretch for the chest, hips and back.
After the end of the training is not recommended contrast shower, the water should be warm. The first results of training you already feel after two weeks of regular practice of five Tibetan "pearls." You are sure to feel the muscle and increase vitality, become more flexible and bouncy.
And for those wishing to more thoroughly acquainted with the practice of the five "Tibetan pearls" can be recommended to read the story of Peter Kelder "Eye revival", the book by Andrei Sidersky "Eye of the Renaissance for a new era," Peter Levine "Eye of the Renaissance" and Christopher Kilham "Five Tibetan pearls" .