Products of the family Asteraceae perennial shrub stevia have a pleasant sweet taste and with their caloric value is zero. Already, even this minimal information about stevia should generate interest in this plant a person professing tenets of harmony and health. It offers a tempting prospect to enjoy the natural sweetness of stevia and not gain extra weight. Where Stevia grows, what are its medicinal properties, the form in which this plant can be used as food, let us deal with.
Stevia is also called
honey grass
. Stevia is considered the homeland, Brazil and Paraguay. The plant was brought to Europe in the late 19th century. Today, perfectly stuck and grow in the Crimea. In the mid-20th century from the stevia learned to distinguish its active elements - glycosides. It is about them at the beginning of the article said, as processed products stevia. The glycosides are completely harmless to the human body, do not have the energy value (0 kcal), but the 300 (!) Times sweeter than regular sugar. In other words, stevia is natural, but it is harmless (unlike their synthetic analogues: saccharin atsesulfata, aspartame and the like), sweeteners.

- Is not the only value of stevia. It comprises vitamins A, B, C, E, and minerals: potassium, calcium, magnesium, silicon, zinc, selenium, phosphorus, copper, chromium, and also useful for the human body, antioxidants flavonoids. This unique composition of the plant Stevia makes it useful for treating obesity, atherosclerosis, diabetes and other metabolic disorders.
Preparations based on stevia appointed as recommended limiting consumption of sugar
: In diseases of the cardiovascular and immune system, thyroid, liver, kidney, spleen, gall bladder, arthritis. It is also observed a positive effect on the normalization of stevia pressure proved its anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic and cholagogue properties. Good stevia and indigestion, because it can inhibit the growth of pathogenic bacteria.
And, of course, stevia is widely used in weight loss schemes. Proved its unique properties to remove toxins and heavy salt from the body, normalize carbohydrate metabolism in it and restore vitality. Thereby
when taken regularly stevia extract, a month you can get rid of 5-7 kg of excess weight

In fairness it should be noted some minor side effects when taking drugs based on stevia. The fact that this plant is able to provide a soothing effect on our nervous system, what is very useful in situations of stress and depression. But the excessive enthusiasm for taking stevia can be fraught with sleepiness, which is especially dangerous for the drivers. Therefore, administration of drugs based on stevia is best timed to the second half of the day to slackness not spoil plans for the major part of the working day.
Today, Stevia is sold in the form of extract, which should take 2 scoops 2-3 times a day during a meal or can be added to tea.
Stevia is also available in powder form and most applicable in the form of pharmaceutical collection. Also, it is feasible to grow stevia alone on a bed or in an open pot on the windowsill.

Tea made from the collection of stevia immediately turns sour without the addition of white sugar. Meanwhile, each spoonful of sugar - is 15 kcal! By simple arithmetic calculations, the amount consumed folding spoons of sugar per day, you can easily calculate how many extra calories do not let her in body, if you replace the usual sweet tea in the tea from Stevia.
Brew stevia can be the most usual way, the Gulf of boiling water the grass, and you can prepare a real healing infusion. It is prepared as follows.
25g stevia leaves pour boiling water and boil for 5 minutes. The resulting broth is infused in a thermos for 12 hours. Then, the infusion is filtered. Pressed stevia pour boiling water again, and insist another 6 hours. In conclusion, the two broth mixed and taken 3-4 times a day for half an hour before meals or half an hour after the meal.
In addition to the alternative 'white death'
Stevia also dulls the appetite
. It can be added to fruit salads. Good and ready Stevia teas with the addition of wild rose, dogwood, hibiscus, mint, lemon balm and hawthorn. However, when choosing such tea drinks certainly carefully study the label. Often, the manufacturer adds a collection of regular sugar, and only a small portion of stevia. Clearly, the benefits of such tea is a little bit.

In conclusion, I would like to add that using stevia alone to lose weight fail. On the problem of excess weight must be approached comprehensively: balanced nutrition, more moving, exercise, observe the regime of the day. And then tea from Stevia will be a pleasant bonus sweet healthy lifestyle that will give you the pleasure of taste, but get rid of unwanted harmful calories.