How to lose weight and not feel hungry at the same time?
This may sound paradoxical, but if you want to lose weight, you should eat. Naturally, there are no such magical products that will immediately melt the fat on your hips, however, the following 20 foods speed up your metabolism and raise the tone.
 This cold-water fish - an excellent source of omega-3, useful for the heart of polyunsaturated fats, which reduce inflammation and can actually help in getting rid of excess weight. A large number of recent studies have shown that inflammation can be caused by how well the body responds to leptin - the hormone that is responsible for appetite. Try at least once a week, be sure to eat a dish with salmon.
 Studies have shown that caffeine in our morning cup of coffee, helping us to pursue a more intensive training to help in the fight against excess calories and excess weight. Rich in antioxidants, coffee reduces the risk of Parkinson's disease, diabetes and some cancers. However, do not lean on coffee drinks with whipped cream, chocolate or sugar syrup. Instead, make a latte or cappuccino prepared with skim milk.
 Calcium - the king, especially when it prevents hunger and promotes weight loss. Studies have shown that it does not allow the body to store fat. Furthermore, yoghurt is rich in protein, which promotes the growth, stability in holding the blood sugar level.
 Eggs are very rich in nutrients, vitamins B and C. Plus, people who consume eggs for breakfast lose twice as much weight and energize for the day compared to those who prefer to eat a bagel or muffin.
Buffalo & Buffalo
 Good news for lovers of red meat: bison, or buffalo are similar in taste to beef, but contain less fat, cholesterol and calories. Choosing buffalo meat instead of beef in the sandwich, you save 40 calories, fat and 6gr 3g saturated fat, in addition, consume 25% less cholesterol.
 Because they are high in protein, omega-3 fatty acids and monounsaturated fats, walnuts make you satiated for a longer period of time than the usual snacks that are not as rich in protein and "good" fats. All you need - a handful of nuts.
 Do not make grapefruit basis for your diet (though you will not be able to exist only on one grapefruit). However, remember that obese people who consumed half a grapefruit or drinking a glass of grapefruit juice on a daily basis (as part of a healthy diet) for 12 weeks lost an average of 1, 5 kg.
Green tea
 Consumption of green tea improves metabolism and helps to lose weight.
 It moisturizes your body and eliminates mistaking thirst for hunger - a common problem of those who are sitting on a diet. You can not determine exactly you hungry or thirsty? First, drink a glass of water, and then decide.
 It contains a substance capsaicin, which acts in a manner that increases metabolism and provides little help in burning calories.
 Full of fiber and protein, beans - a low-calorie, low-fat food, which helps to maintain the desired weight and stabilize blood sugar levels.
 Low-calorie vegetarian sources of protein, soy products, like tofu, can help people lose weight by speeding up your metabolism, even if your eating habits remain the same.
 The habit of "an apple every day," can do more than just keep the doctor at a distance, including to reduce the numbers on the scales. Apple consumption after each meal may be required to restore the blood sugar level, thereby stabilizing the level of hormones that affect the appetite and satiety.
 Indeed, they contain enough calories and fat, but that - a good type of fat, so that, at a leisurely meal, avocado promotes rapid saturation and helps prevent disease. Make yourself a sandwich with two slices of avocado or guacamole dip vegetables (avocado sauce and tomato with spices) as a snack.
 Pour a cup of cereal and add a glass of fresh berries. You will see what happened to unite. Rich in water and fiber, blackberries helps you quickly satisfy hunger. Another plus: blackberries contains more antioxidants per serving than any other fruit.
 Remember! When you as eating porridge tomorrow morning, you were not required until dinner no snacks. Rich in fiber, oatmeal is digested slowly, keeping you satiated until the next meal.
 Estrogen has a structure similar to linseed. Thereby, it improves the blood sugar level and stabilizes insulin, to help fight obesity and diabetes. Pour 1 - 2 tablespoons of flaxseed oil or its oatmeal, a piece of bread or yogurt. Bon Appetit!
 My mom always said that you need to eat broccoli, and had serious grounds for it. Broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables, like color, or cabbage contains a lot of fiber and have a low energy density - that means you can eat a lot of them, at the same time receive a minimum of calories. A whole cup of raw broccoli contains only 25 calories.
 One study showed that people who ate soup before eating soup or liquid, during a meal received 20% fewer calories (water helps to fill the stomach).