In recent years, Pilates has become very popular among celebrities, and among ordinary mortals. To master this technique you can walk to do in the gym, but you can stay at home and try to learn the most. Unless, of course, the power will allow. I've already talked about how to start each workout. Now, I suggest moving on to the rest of the exercises.
Exercise 1. "shoulder rotation."
Starting position: Stand with your hands up straight in front of you and are at chest level. Palms facing each other. Shoulders dropped. On the inhale pinch blades, thereby opening the chest. The feeling must be like if you were trying to correct the spine. On the exhale, return to the starting position. This exercise helps to work through shoulder joint and arm muscles warm.
Repeat 3-5 times.
Do not forget to breathe.
Exercise 2: "Raising the chest."
Now go to the floor and work on the press. This exercise allows you to direct your abdominal muscles to work. Do not confuse it with the rise of the housing.
Starting position: Lie on your back, legs bent at the knees, feet on the floor and hands behind his head rewound. Knees and ankles are aligned. The back is slightly arched in the lumbar region - "neutral position." Shoulders dropped. During the exercise, the elbows should be looking in opposite directions. By adopting such a position, take a few deep breaths.
Now exhale, press your lower back to the floor and tighten the press. The chin is lower so that the neck was stretched, and slowly lift your shoulders and chest. Hold this position and inhale. On the exhale, return to starting position. For inspiration take a "neutral position."
Repeat 6-8 times.
Exercise 3. "Lift the pelvis."
Starting position: Lie on the floor, legs bent at the knees and on the floor. Arms down along the body. As you inhale, lift your pelvis. Hold this position. Arms and shoulders when performing should be relaxed. On the exhale, return to starting position.
Repeat 3-5 times.
Exercise 4. "breast lift with rotation."
In general, exercise is a modified form of "breast lift", and allows you to better work out the abdominal muscles. Technique is the same, only during the ascent of the shoulders and chest, the body turns and one arm goes up. He must look to the opposite sex is strictly side. The more you help yourself elbows, the more you reduce the strain on the muscles.
Do 3-6 repetitions for each side.
Exercise 5. "bicycle".
This exercise works out great obliques, which are responsible for the presence of the waist. Starting position: Lie on your back. Bend your legs and raise them so that calves are parallel to the floor. Get Hands behind your head, elbows looking in different directions. Tighten your abdominal muscles.

On the inhale, you are leaving the floor shoulders and chest. On the exhale, straighten your left leg and rotate the torso to the right. On inspiration back to the starting position. On the exhale, you are doing the same thing, only in another direction.
Do 6-10 repetitions for each side
. At run time, you should not wobble from side to side. The higher you raise the straightened leg, the less the load will get your news. Remember, all the exercises in the Pilates system is slow.
Exercise 6. "double stretch".
This exercise is again working muscles of the abdomen, and will require strength and endurance. Therefore, at first, do not overdo it. The main thing in this exercise - do not forget to breathe.
So, starting position: lie on your back, keep your knees to your chest, shoulders raised, chin lowered so that the neck was stretched. His hands grasp the feet of calves. Belly retract. Take a deep breath and exhale.
Then inhale straighten the arms and legs. Hands straighten his head. The lower you lower the straightened legs, the more load you will give to the press. But in no one case, not lower them on the floor. Make sure that the back is firmly pressed to the floor. On the exhale, return to starting position and
Repeat 9 more times.
Exercise 7. "Double-up".
To perform this exercise, lie on your back and lift your legs straightened the ceiling. Hands behind your head wound, elbows divorced. On the inhale, push your lower back to the floor and lift your shoulders and chest. On the exhale, lower your legs as low as possible, but do not touch the floor. Keep legs straight and back firmly pressed to the floor.
Do 10 repetitions of these.
This activity is directed at the development of the abdominal muscles.
Exercise 8. "Study of the inner thigh."
As the name suggests, over what will work. Starting position: Lie on your side. Stretch yourself in full view. The legs should be slightly ahead, so that your body was like a banana. Lift the body and lean on his elbow. Now bend the upper leg and place it in front of him. On the inhale, lift the bottom leg as high as you can. Hold this position as you exhale and return to starting position.
Repeat 5-8 times.
At the end of every workout, you need to do stretching.
Exercise 9. "Stretching for the hip."
This is one of the best stretching exercises. Starting position: Lie on your back, legs bent at the knees and on the floor. Now raise your right leg so that the thigh is perpendicular to the floor. The eggs may be omitted. Place your left ankle on your right knee. When this left knee looking away. Hugged his right leg and pull her to his chest. You will feel like a stretch muscles.
Hold for 30 seconds.
And change legs.
Exercise 10. "Baby Pose."
This exercise came to Pilates from yoga. It helps stretch the back and catch your breath. To do this, stand on her knees, toes facing each other. Now start to set. Then tilt the body forward. Touch the forehead to the floor. Stretch your arms forward as far as possible.
Hold this position for 30 seconds or longer.
Breathe deeply.
Try to do these exercises at home, connecting them with the base. And you will find that you become more energetic, and the body stronger and more resilient.