The beach season can be a real challenge. Especially if nature has not endowed you harmony. Although sometimes even slender girls useful to work on the muscles in order to look sexy. After all, fitness is necessary not only to inflate the muscles, but also for the development of endurance and flexibility.
Experts came to the conclusion that from time to time need to change the training plan to achieve the best results. Therefore, if you are in search of, here are some ideas for your workout by the famous American trainer Jessica Matthews, who has worked over the bodies of many stars.
But first, let me remind you that before any exercise you need to warm up, so as not to damage the joints and muscles.
Exercise 1. Lunges forward.
Agree, it is an exercise as old as the world, but still remains one of the most effective. Great for beginners and for those who are engaged for a long time. It can be easily modified and complicated. And the main thing is an exercise designed to strengthen the muscles of the buttocks and the front of the thigh.
Technique follows. Stand up straight, feet together, hands on her waist. For inspiration take a step forward foot. And bend your knees. Make sure that the knee exposed forward leg is directly over the ankle, and your thighs should be parallel to the floor. Then push down the exposed front foot and return to a similar position. Make 8-12 times for each leg. Make sure that the back was straight and do not forget to breathe.
How to modify this exercise?
I have already said that the attacks easily modified. For example, you can add a dumbbell or scattered on the floor map and the time squatting to collect them. You can also returning to its original position, do not lower the leg to the floor, and pulled up to his chest.
Exercise 2. Pose a dog with his head down.
Recall yoga. To perform this exercise, take emphasis lying. Your hands should be directly under the shoulders. On the exhale, lower your feet on the foot and gently lean forward, so that the body form a triangle. Hold this pose for 10 breaths. Repeat 1-2 times. This exercise helps to stretch the muscles of the back, legs and arms.

Exercise 3. Pushups.
Exercise is also wonderful. It not only helps to tighten the muscles of the arms and chest, but also to develop endurance, abdominal muscles and legs. You can modify this exercise.
Take the emphasis lying. The body should be in a straight line. None of delayed pop, etc. Bend your elbows, trying to get the breasts to the floor. The body is always taut as a string.

How to modify this exercise?
You can kneel if just starting out, or you can raise one leg, if you are training for a long time. You can also do push-ups on the floor or on a chair.

Exercise 4. Side plank pose.
This exercise will help work out the muscles of the arms, waist and hips. Lie on your side. One foot is on top of another. Now uprites elbow into the floor and lift your torso. Hold for 15-30 seconds and return to starting position. Change sides. If you think you do enough load 2-3.

How to modify this exercise?
You may want to complicate the exercise. When you lift your torso while lifting the leg, which is currently at the top. In addition, you can change the position of the hand, for example, to lift up or get his head.

Exercise 5. Lifting the arms and legs.
This exercise helps to work the muscles of the buttocks, back and arms. Lie on your stomach, arms straight in front of him. Raise your right hand, while with her left foot. Then change. Do 8-12 repetitions.

How to modify this exercise?
You can only raise or hands or feet only, or all at once. In addition, you can raise your arm and a leg and do 10 rapid contraction. Can you wear on your feet weighting.
Exercise 6. Pose Boats.
It will help develop endurance, learn to keep your balance. This exercise tightens the muscles of the arms, legs and abs. Sit on the floor. Bend your knees, put his hands on his knees. Stretch your arms in front of you and slightly tilt the body, making sure that the back was always straight. Then lift and straighten your legs. So that your body has formed the letter V. Hold this position for 30 seconds. Return to starting position. If you want, repeat several times.

How to modify this exercise?
When you start to play sports, then you can raise the legs, do not straighten them. If you want to increase the burden on the contrary, then increase the angle of the body, and lower the lower leg. In addition, you can raise your hands up.

7. Exercise Pose bracket with lifting arms.
By itself, pose strap perfectly develops endurance and tightens the muscles of the body. A rise in the hands of just increases the load on the shoulder girdle, the press area and buttocks. Get on all fours: so that the support was on his elbows. Hands in front of you. Make sure that your elbows are just below the shoulder joint. Now straighten your legs. They should be slightly apart, so it will be easier to keep your balance. Then, raise your hand forward. Hold for 2 inhalation and exhalation. Lower the arm. And raise another. Again Hold this position and lower arm. This would be considered as a one time. Do 8-12 repetitions.

How to modify this exercise?
If you are not sure that you can repeat this, then do the first is relying on his knees. If you want to complicate the task, and even raise the opposite leg.
Train and be healthy and beautiful!