Almost everything that is on earth, we need the foundation support. We, too, because the structure of the human body is very complex, we consist of a number of bones, muscles, nerves, etc., that it is hard to imagine. We support this function performs a spin. Thanks to her, we can walk, sit, lie down, run and do other work. Properly posed posture allows us to make higher toned, graceful.
But that's not all. After all, it depends on our state of health. Firstly, the ability to keep your back can prevent a variety of pain caused by the displacement of the vertebrae, or hit the nerve endings between the vertebral discs. Secondly, it (posture) allows the muscles to show what they can do. Therefore, they are utilized when needed and when you can relax.
Learn to keep your posture is necessary from childhood. If you are still stooped, then you can try some exercises that will help it develop.
What is the cause of poor posture?
Our bones are formed from the first days of birth to 18 years. Most of us at one time ignored the senior notes, as to how we sit or walk. And now it turns out that the spine is curved and the back muscles are weak and do not allow us a long time to keep your back straight.
So we grew up and went to work. Most of all, we have to work a lot of sitting. No matter where, prior to the computer or behind the wheel. Here we go into the case so that it is absolutely forget about posture and hunching, print with great speed their reports, presentations, etc.
Poor posture can cause not only the state of the back muscles and spine, but also psychological problems. Some experts believe that slouch are usually those who are shy, who feels insecure.
And that helps us to improve self-esteem? That's right, sports or dancing. By the way, it both helps to train the muscles and improve overall health. So today I want to offer exercises that will help make you stronger and correct posture.
Exercises for posture
In fact, to develop a posture and become more confident in yourself is not that difficult. Apart from well-known books on the head, you can try to do belly dancing. Not only did he develop sensuality, but also help to become more confident, learn how to keep your back straight and look divine. This is true of any dance.
In addition, there is a special system of exercises that will help strengthen your back muscles. The only problem: they run on fitball. In general, in the shops you can buy quite a decent score, he stands within 1,000 rubles. And if you get on sale, and even cheaper.
Today let's talk about exercise, "Plank" and its modifications. Plank on the ball is different from what is done on the floor. Firstly, there are free hands. Secondly, the biggest burden falls on the press and the back, as they have to keep the angle of inclination without the support per se.
Option 1: "Superman."
This is one of the most successful exercises to develop the muscles that support our spine. Technique is shown in Fig.

Option 2.
It is running out of position when you are standing on his knees and rests his hands on the floor. The ball is at the same time under you. Here, all the movements are slow. Lift slowly right arm and left leg. They should be straight. Hold for 20-40 seconds and then return to its original position. Repeat for the left hand.
Option 3.
Focus on hands and toes straight, elongated body, the ball is under the stomach. If it is clean, you get a common position, "Plank". Slowly lift straight leg so that it formed a straight line with the body parallel to the floor. Hold for 20-40 seconds so and return to starting position.
Option 4.
Rest hands on the floor, the ball under the belly, legs straight and stand on your toes. Slowly bend your right knee 90 degrees and make rhythmic movements 10-20 foot towards the ceiling. Repeat for the other leg.
Option 5. "Frog."
Starting position as in the embodiment 4. Now slowly begin to lift both legs, trying to keep the balance, and connect their feet. Does not bend back. Hold this position for 20-40 seconds.

Option 6.
This exercise is familiar to those who have fitball. Get on all fours. Slowly straighten your legs and put them on the ball, arms straight and are just below the shoulder. Now, with the help of the feet roll the ball to him, so that his knees appeared as close to the chest. Hold that position for 20-40 seconds. Then slowly return to starting position. Again Hold for 20-40 seconds.
The main thing is doing these exercises - remember that you are working on your back muscles, so it is necessary to do everything slowly and carefully.
It's not all exercises that can be done to correct your posture. Exercise and be beautiful.