At that time, as a typical pair of ripe tomatoes and lettuce necessarily pleasant, good salad can contain a lot more healthy and tasty ingredients. Adding fruits, nuts and other known ingredients, you will notice positive changes. Most importantly, the use of several other nutritional ingredients - an easy way to increase the use of your meals.
 Most leafy greens contain folate, Vitamin B, necessary for normal functioning of red blood cells. They also provide you with lots of vitamin A and antioxidants, which provide the body protection from premature aging.
 All fruits contain plenty of nutrients (vitamin C and potassium, in particular) and a large list of substances, fighting infections, besides, they low in fat and calories. Blueberries contain polyphenol structure (phytochemical that prevents heart disease and cancer), also play a major role in improving memory. Grapes, meanwhile, also contains polyphenols.
Nuts and seeds
 A quarter cup of nuts or seeds provides you with five grams of high quality protein, and even a lot of vitamin E, fibers and minerals. Also, nuts are rich in fat, or rather, their beneficial unsaturated views.
 With an abundance of vitamin C, potassium lowers blood pressure and folate, tomatoes also contain plant compounds that help lower cholesterol.
 Onions - a rich source of nutrients that are potential cancer-fighters and weapons against some chronic diseases.
Vegetable oil
 Liquid vegetable oils are rich in vitamin E and unsaturated fats (monounsaturated and polyunsaturated) which do not clog the artery. Olive oil is extremely rich in phenolic antioxidants.
Seafood and other proteins
 Oily fish like salmon or tuna, contain omega-3, which help reduce the risk of heart failure. The American Heart Association advises to eat at least 100g of fish a week.