Beautiful hair for 10 days
 Your hair because of winter are in a deplorable state? Because of the cold, wind and dry indoor air are dull, become dry and lifeless. You would think that this provision does not fix until the warm weather. And one salvation - to hide the hair under the cap so that no one saw. But it turns out, may make hair beautiful even in the midst of winter. And for this we need only 10 days! And it really works! How to make a beautiful hair in 10 days? Let's find out all the secrets.

Buy a good brush

It turns daily hair combing and styling can damage hair. You may ask, how did our grandmothers used to a long time combing her hair in the morning and evening. And the hair of it only gets better. And the thing is that the ridges were not plastic or metal, and natural wooden. Today, wooden hair brushes you can buy in any store, although their price is slightly higher than plastic. But it's worth it! After combing hair brush natural wood, you make a real energy massage. This massage improves hair growth. Brush wooden distributes natural grease from the roots to the tips. Hair becomes smooth and shiny. Increases their natural defense.

Cut to the minimum necessary use a hair dryer

By itself, the blow-drying is a huge stress on the hair. Especially if the hair of the old model, which has no adjustment of air of different temperatures. If you can dry your hair without using a hair dryer, use it. If you are so used to dry the hair dryer, but at least do it the cool air. And try not to overdry hair. It is better to leave them slightly damp to completely dry at room temperature.

Rinse your hair with cold water

If you dare, try to rinse your hair with cold water. This procedure covers the cuticles. The hair becomes shiny and smooth. A smooth hair surprisingly docile. They do not scatter in all hair and easy to fit, and even electrified. Cold rinse you quenched your scalp. So, do not be so susceptible to cold. And, besides, a rinsing tones. You get fresh forces, the mood lifted.

Wash your hair with shampoo on natural basis

High humidity, atmospheric pollution and alcohol weakens our hair. A synthetic shampoos exacerbate this situation. Though advertising and insists that shampoos are enriched with natural ingredients, cooked on extracts of herbs, fruits or flowers. But actually, it is not natural ingredients, but only "flavorings". And they are not only useful, but also harmful. And not only hair, but also throughout the body. Before you buy shampoo, carefully study its composition and choose the one that is made from natural ingredients.

Make a mask of olive oil

Olive oil nourishes the hair, making it shiny and soft. A small amount of oil to rub into the hair. If the scalp is dry, then rub the oil can, even in the head. And if on the contrary, greasy hair, the hair is not to lubricate the roots and leave clean about 3 cm to the roots. To achieve the best results, wrap head with a towel for at least an hour. Then rinse with warm water. You can even leave a mask at night. Hair very soon after these masks become silky.

Cut the hair

Of course, not everyone will be decided on a haircut. But she just needed your hair. A haircut, you have transformed their hair. They will look healthy. And the beauty of hair can be achieved much more quickly than 10 days. If you are constantly doing haircuts, it is best to carry out this procedure every 3 months. You will forget about such problems as lifeless, brittle, split ends hair. In addition, cutting hair, you get rid of negative energy. And this is not fiction, but a fact confirmed by many scientists.

Less frequently wash your hair

Many people wash their hair every day, but it turns out a few times a week is enough. The scalp loses its protective layer, if you wash your hair too often. The skin becomes vulnerable, very sensitive, easily excitable. Maybe even an allergy. And besides, the result of frequent shampooing may be dandruff. If zhirneyut hair quickly, then make sure you do not abuse air conditioning. Glitter Hair and freshness is maintained by special shampoo. These shampoos contain ceramides and Pro-Keratin. They protect and nourish the hair.

Try not to use air conditioning

Originally created conditioner for dry hair that is easy to get confused. But air conditioning is often used even by those who do not need it. Of course, the hair is easy to comb, but they become severe and rapidly zhirneyut. If you're still using the air conditioner, buy only high quality, and hence - expensive.

Watch your diet

The food has a direct impact on the state of your hair. Of course, to radically change the structure of the hair you do not succeed, but you can significantly improve them. Just stick to a balanced diet. It is better to give up the dietary supplements. Although they promise to improve the structure of the hair, or the acceleration of growth. It is better to get nutrients directly from natural products. For a healthy look and shine give omega-3 fatty acids found in salmon meat. A hair growth protein found in fish, poultry, cheese and eggs. Avoid low-calorie diets. After all, you are depriving your body of many nutrients: vitamin A, zinc, omega-3 fatty acids.

Use these tips and within 10 days you just do not know your hair!
Author: Olga Stolyarov