We are not CIT, but their love handles
 Yes, of course, we almost did not CIT, rather, quite the opposite, and therefore our pens constantly working and in need of special attention and care. Some trusts his hands professionals. This, of course, well, if you have time and resources permit. But most of us still are forced to take care of their hands.

In any store offers a large selection of tools for the care of hands, and, as a rule, you can consult with the seller, and buy exactly what's right hand at the time.

But, in addition, there are many tools store house used by our grandmothers, mothers and grandmothers. Some of them:

- Tray of wormwood for smoothness and tenderness of the skin of hands
2 tbsp. tablespoons dried wormwood (available at pharmacies), pour 1 cup boiling water, cover and insist 2 hours. Lower hands in the broth for 10-15 minutes. The course of 1 month every day. The solution can be stored in a refrigerator for 2 days. Before using slightly warm.

- For contaminated hands
1 tbsp. spoon calendula flowers make ½ cup of boiled water, half an hour, drain. Add 1 tbsp. of olive oil and 2 drops of lemon juice. 2 Soak a piece of gauze and apply on your hands or rub the liquid into the skin. Then wear cotton gloves overnight. After the regularity of the procedure hands transformed beyond recognition, become smooth and young.

 We are not CIT, but their love handles
   - Mask much rough skin
2 tbsp. tablespoons corn flour and 1 tbsp. spoon glycerin pour warm boiled water, stir everything well and apply on your hands for 20-30 minutes. Rinse with warm water, rinse with cool and lubricate the moisturizer.

- Honey mask for hands softening
1 tbsp. a spoonful of vegetable oil mixed with a 1st. spoon of natural honey, add 1 egg yolk, ½ teaspoon of lemon juice, mass gently but thoroughly mixed and applied to the skin. Wear cotton gloves and leave overnight. In the morning rinse with water at room temperature.

- Mask, rejuvenating and smoothing wrinkles
A handful of oatmeal on a coffee grinder to grind, pour hot but not boiling green tea, brew for a few minutes, until the mixture turned into mush, put on your hands for half an hour. Rinse with a weak brew green tea. The course of 20 masks after 1-2 days.

- Potato Mask
Two medium potatoes thoroughly washed, boiled in their jackets, quickly clean, preventing cool, add 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and 1 teaspoon of unrefined sunflower oil, quickly stir and put on a thick layer of hand. Wrap hands cellophane film. After half an hour rinse with warm water, rinse with cool and lubricate the cream.

 We are not CIT, but their love handles
 - Mask to give skin elasticity
1 egg yolk mixed with 1 tbsp. spoon of honey and 1 tbsp. dollop of sour cream, mix well weight, put on your hands for 1-2 hours. Wash off with warm decoction of parsley or welding green tea. Oil cream.

- The mask of curd for hands with dry pale skin
2 tbsp. spoon yogurt mix with 1 teaspoon of unrefined sunflower oil or olive oil, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of fresh carrot juice, mix well and apply on your hands, for half an hour. Rinse with warm water and rub your hands with lemon slice.

- The skin of the hands, which were hepatic or other spots, you need to regularly rub castor oil, which is sold in pharmacies. With perseverance and patience this oil removes even age spots.

- Polish
In 1 teaspoon of cream for hands add ½ teaspoon ground red pepper and 12 drops of boiled water. The mixture was hold for 20-25 minutes in a water bath and put on 20-25 minutes on the nails, then rinse with water. The mask is used 1 time per month.
Author: Natalia Alexeeva