Fashion for women's underwear has always existed. The beginnings of modern underwear existed in ancient Egypt and ancient Greece. Roman living in the 2nd century BC, we owe the appearance of corsets, whose popularity peaked in the Middle Ages.
The very same term "underwear" appeared only in the late 19th century, when the ladies took a firm decision to put on it, not only for the sake of correction and hygiene, but also for the sake of beauty. Then finishing underwear began to use lace, embossing, embroidery, bows, flounces, silk ribbons, ruffles. Corset out of fashion, and he was replaced by a rabid popularity of trousers.
Today, screenings of new collections of thugs industry for the production of underwear as a Victoria's Secret become the most anticipated event of the year, seeking to get to like fashion critics, media and show business elite.
The real shock of the season became the fashion for knit underwear. Fashion banschitsa and plyazhnitsy have long appreciated the special, crochet swimwear. After all, with their production of selected original thread that allows the skin to breathe freely in the final bathing kit.
First of all, the advent of the current fashion knitted underwear, we are obliged to Poland, to be exact, a small village in the Polish mountains called KONYAKI. The village has always been famous for its knitted napkins. It Konyakovskim craftswomen occurred to expand its range of knitted in the same familiar technology of the tissue underwear. Knitted thong very naughty look on the woman's body, and used in the naturalness of their mating thread attached to hygiene and comfort of the finished product.
All this is appreciated potrebitelnits knitted underwear. This is evidenced by the growing popularity of all knitted panties. Konyakovskie Weaver could barely cope with the orders of buyers online stores!
I must say that knitting underwear - just hard work. After all, as a raw material for the manufacture of sets of underwear is not necessary to select a suitable conventional yarn colors, and a very thin thread. Underwear, it is on the bottom and that does not involve bulk ottopyrivaniya from under her dress. Painstaking work this adds more fashion and knitting of the fragments without interrupting the thread. It is this way of knitting gives the most interesting and beautiful effect, in contrast to the one-piece knitted cloth.
It is worth noting that knitting underwear using a hook rather than knitting. This is due to the fact that "Kryuchkov 'underwear hardly stretched.
Whatever it was, today it can be safely stated that on knitted underwear delighted not only women, but also admiring them on their beloved men. This is not surprising! After crochet underwear openwork surprising and seductive.
For the same, to get hold of in her wardrobe trendy set belishko such, it is not necessary to undertake a long journey in the Polish countryside KONYAKI. A lover of knitting can find detailed descriptions of the miracle-binding on numerous Internet portals for handy people. On the same all-powerful virtual information open spaces can find a lot of ads, offers to take your order for the manufacture of knitted underwear sets tailored to your individual requirements in color and pattern. The cost of producing such a set price ranges for traditional underwear.
Knitted whether Traditional whether - what underwear to wear, of course, a purely personal matter, and even somewhere very intimate. Nevertheless, it encouraged the emergence of something new in fashion and lingerie choice. It is indisputable is the fact that on some underwear we wear, is highly dependent on our state of health. And nothing that underwear is hidden from the eyes of others basic wardrobe. For more Vivien Leigh on the set of the immortal "Gone With the Wind" made to wear underwear during the Civil War in America. And all the objections of the actress that because it would not be seen for the main board, the director replied firmly: "No matter what you can not see! What is important is how you feel it! "
