In anticipation of spring and very, very nice Women's Day - it is, of course, on the 8th of March Diets.ru administration is launching a new competition on the gorgeous (and does not "weak") floor!
Portal Diets.ru
We offer our attenders to take part in the competition named
"Secret Power"
. Place in the competitive group - from 26 February 2013 to 30 March 2014 inclusive - the story about what you think of women's power.
Winners will be determined by the Administration Diets.ru - moreover, one of the additional prize was the one member to be chosen the best in the opinion of the community, ie, with the greater number of votes of their posts on 03/30/2014 23-59 (Moscow time).
The winner will receive the following gift - ChefOne 5L White Swizz Style, gorgeous and comfortable multivarku, has all the properties of modern indispensable au pair (durable bowl 5 l with non-stick coating Daikin, of 3D-heating, large LCD-display in Russian, touch panel 12 cooking programs, the function of readiness for a given time, the ability to change the cooking time, all necessary accessories and recipe book included).

Additional prizes (two participants, one of which is selected opinions of customers) - another indispensable tool in the kitchen, Scale One White, who will become your true friend. Comfortable size (22, 7 x 15.5 x 2 cm), the function of the step of adding weight and tare function do it that way - a compact and convenient.

Contest Rules:
1. The tender fasting as part of this competition is considered a post that contains a short story or a poem tells the story of what is, in your personal opinion, is the strength of women.
2. Competitive position is published in Russian, in the competitive group. Dates of competition: February 26, 2013 to March 30, 2014 inclusive.
3. Texts of competitive positions have to be unique - that is, created by you. Works with non-unique texts (ie, partially or completely copied from other sources, even if it is your own, earlier, publications, including - posted earlier Diets.ru) will be removed from competition - moved into your diary for completion .
4. Each individual user can add to the competition from 1 to 5 records, given the rules of the competition.
5. To participate in the competition are not allowed to work, do not conform
Site rules
, And the idea of the rules of competition, as well as having the purpose to offend someone of the users.
6. It is also not allowed to work, raises questions about the literacy of the text.
7. The competition can not participate Diets.ru administration officials and members of their families.
8. banned artificial ranking cheat competitive positions of participants. Throughout the voting administration will check the purity of the election results. In case of violation of this provision, the administration reserves the right to withdraw from the competition the like.
9. Approved diligent and honest public relations of its entries (and girlfriends works) in the framework of the social network Diets.ru, and the third-party resources - websites, blogs and forums. However, we are opposed to spam and ask to place a request to vote only on the resources that allow placement of such materials. Under fair PR refers to a request to vote in their own diaries (blogs) and blogs of friends. Banned a mass mailing of personal messages unfamiliar users are also banned by the request to vote, placed on the walls and in groups on the site. To place a request for voting for your work as it is possible in a specially created group on the project
"Vote for the users Diets.ru»
Prizes are delivered by Russia. If you are the winner, but live outside Russia, you can get your prize by your loved ones, living in the territory of the Russian Federation. Term Demand prize - 6 months from the date of announcement of the results of the contest.
Author: MyCharm.ru: Anna Shustrova