Jan Guryanov - Leading festival "Turtledove"
 Leading the annual festival of "Turtle-dove", which will be held on November 24 in the concert hall of the Darwin Museum to become an actress Jana Guryanov, known for his roles in the TV series "Interns", "soldiers" and many great theatrical works. Young, beautiful, creative, and besides, my mother, she was perfect for the role of the leading light and delicate event.

- It is good that year after year passes such a wonderful festival. The idea of ​​"turtledoves" very close to me, and I think that such festivals are very much needed, and even more on Mother's Day. Now I, too, Mom, and since the birth of the child was the other way to look at many things, life and priorities have changed. I believe that the birth of children - it is a necessary step for the formation of the female identity, a kind of stage of self-consciousness. It is my great pleasure to lead such an event, because I love music. Darwin Museum - an ideal venue for such a "child-parent" event and communication for mothers is important and necessary! See you at the "Gorlice"!

We remind you that the festival "Turtledove"   held annually in Concert Hall of the Darwin Museum . It is attended by singers of actual musical projects. This year, the "Gorlice" acoustics perform Athens Cornelius and "Asea Sool" from Georgia, Irina Lyasovskaya and the "see! We know," the group "Meydeleh" and the group "My Sisters Band".

Author: MyCharm.ru: Anna Shustrova