Moscow recently held a large-scale fitness convention Reebok Fitness Stadium - the first time in a vast nightclub STADIUM LIVE!
Loud and incendiary mix surround sound and powerful energy together more than a thousand participants! One day a huge dance floor turned into a makeshift fitness room. All guests of the event had a unique opportunity to get acquainted with these fitness guru - both Russian and foreign. After that day the first time in Russian master classes presented
specially invited presenters. "Revolutionary in the world of yoga", according to The New York Times, the founder of the popular destinations Tara Stiles Strala Yoga (Tara Stiles) from New York
European fitness star Jessica Ekspozito (Jessica Exposito) from Barcelona

From 09:00 to 23:00, guests and participants of the festival time to visit the many lessons on very different and most fashionable areas:
Afra Hop, Aero Dance, Step Aerobics, Functional Training, Body Combat, Zumba, CrossFit
. Starting the day with a vigorous aerobics and Dance, continued intensive functional training, appreciated the new program GRIT From Less Mills, dance classes and ended it all class Strala Yoga.
The event was attended and star fitness enthusiasts:
Maria Weber, Les Yaroslavl, Loja, Anastasia Grebyonkina group "Ranetki" Sivaeva Anastasia, Maria Berseneva

The completion of the festival was spectacular
fitness afterparty
: Concert of stars of show business, performance one of the best dance crews in Russia, the guru of street dance and experimental Jack's Garret Team, Dance Battle and
dance catwalk presentation of a new collection of Reebok
Author: MyCharm.ru: Anna Shustrova