June 2 - the day of proper nutrition and non-nonsense food. We note, and acquire good habits with Diets.ru and Calend.ru
"Day of refusal of excesses in food (Day of healthy food)" - a feast for those who want to be fit, healthy and beautiful! This guide to the acquisition of new mineral dietary habits, abandonment of junk food and get rid of unnecessary kilograms.
Portals and Diets.ru Calend.ru invite you to celebrate this holiday simple and useful diet, generously seasoned with good humor!
Thus, the menu:
The ability to advance to invite friends to the celebration of this great date.
Tell a friend about this holiday is easy! Click on the buttons of services located under the material, and thus proanosiruyte this entry or refer to it on twitter, facebook and other social networks. You can also paste into your blog to share any one of the banners of the holiday:

Codes to insert any of these banners can be found here.
Preparation and implementation of diet and entertainment on the Day of refusal of excesses in eating.
You just have to connect the imagination and hold it a day so that you do not remember him abundant and nutritious feast, and light food and recreation. For example, instead of watching the show with nuts and popcorn, you can go for an evening stroll around town or arrange a light picnic in the open air, with cheerful games - options can be mass, as long as they liked you and bring joy.
The story of how you spent June 2nd.
To have all learned how wonderful you've spent the day, you can take part in the competition, dedicated precisely to this marvelous date. Prizes will be interesting collections of books from Exmo.
Also, the portal passes another competition, devoted to the Day of non-nonsense food, with prizes from "LEOVIT nutrio."
Join us, as we grow thin bored!
Author: MyCharm.ru: Anna Shustrova