You can not imagine my life without hamburgers, candy or chips? But often these foods cause considerable damage to the body. So you just have to choose an alternative to harmful foods and slim figure you provided!
Diets.ru portal and the company "LEOVIT nutrio" invite you to take part in the competition "Alternative harmful products", dedicated
June 2 - Day of nutrition and giving up of excesses in food
. Place in the comments to this post - from 27 May to 7 June 2013 inclusive, - the story of what and how you replace in your diet harmful products: vegetables, fruits, fitness, kiss a loved one, etc., And win great prizes!
The first prize will determine the user voting - that is, it will take a short story writer, who gained the most votes.
The second prize will determine the choice of the administration Diets.ru.
The third prize will be determined by selection of the representatives of the sponsor of the contest of "LEOVIT nutrio."
The winners of this contest will receive a set of the following products from the "LEOVIT nutrio."
1st place

* The set:
- Nutrition Program "Mediterranean menu" ("Mediterranean diet" in 2011 included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. It is based - low intake of saturated animal fat, high consumption of plant foods. On this basis, the program is made up of low-calorie dishes of French, Spanish and Italian cuisine with an energy value of the basic diet of 510 kcal to 573 kcal per day).
- Coffee Cappuccino. Fat-burning complex (for those who love coffee and control your weight. The specialists of "LEOVIT nutrio" based on natural varieties of Arabica coffee developed "Cappuccino" Slimming Coffee "series" Lose Weight in a Week ". Natural ingredients of the beverage reduce appetite, provide a" fat-burning "effect and improve digestion).
- Fruit Bars. Fat-burning complex (designed for those who care about health and control weight. It's a light snack, which will reduce the caloric intake for those who want to lose weight. At the heart of fruit bars "fat burning complex" - special functional components and extremely delicious dried fruit, vegetables and spices gives the product a nice spicy and sweet taste).
2nd place

* The set:
- Nutrition Program "Express-diet for 3 days" (the program operates in three areas: breakfast designed to reduce appetite during the day, lunch stimulate the "burning" of fat deposits, it helps cleanse the evening reception organizma.A for those who can not give up the sweet, prepared a surprise: the program includes "Hot chocolate with collagen" - for the elasticity of the skin and just a good mood).
- Coffee Cappuccino. Fat-burning complex (for those who love coffee and control your weight. The specialists of "LEOVIT nutrio" based on natural varieties of Arabica coffee developed "Cappuccino" Slimming Coffee "series" Lose Weight in a Week ". Natural ingredients of the beverage reduce appetite, provide a" fat-burning "effect and improve digestion).
- Fruit Bars. Fat-burning complex (designed for those who care about health and control weight. It's a light snack, which will reduce the caloric intake for those who want to lose weight. At the heart of fruit bars "fat burning complex" - special functional components and extremely delicious dried fruit, vegetables and spices gives the product a nice spicy and sweet taste).
3rd place

* The set:
- Nutrition Program "fasting day" (the program consists of nine special products and allows for one day to hold "unloading" of the body and thus even slightly lower body weight. The program is laid popular diet "Bon soup." The company's specialists have designed it analogue - soup with nettle and spinach "Detox").
- Coffee Cappuccino. Fat-burning complex (for those who love coffee and control your weight. The specialists of "LEOVIT nutrio" based on natural varieties of Arabica coffee developed "Cappuccino" Slimming Coffee "series" Lose Weight in a Week ". Natural ingredients of the beverage reduce appetite, provide a" fat-burning "effect and improve digestion).
- Fruit Bars. Fat-burning complex (designed for those who care about health and control weight. It's a light snack, which will reduce the caloric intake for those who want to lose weight. At the heart of fruit bars "fat burning complex" - special functional components and extremely delicious dried fruit, vegetables and spices gives the product a nice spicy and sweet taste).
On the rules of competition, and other important things & gt; & gt; & gt;
Author: MyCharm.ru: Anna Shustrova