In the confusion of days we do not see as the future becomes the present. But back to our grandmothers were unknown to such inventions as the microwave oven and hair curlers, BB cream and granola ... If you think about it you realize how many products and devices make our lives easier, more comfortable and more enjoyable. Write about one of them, taking part in the competition for Diets.ru, and get a innovative coffee Jacobs Monarch Millicano!
5 winners of the creative contest will receive a gift from our sponsor 2 cans (95 grams each) news Jacobs Monarch Millicano
Jacobs Monarch Millicano
- A completely new category in the coffee market - coffee "in a soluble powder." It combines a deep taste and rich aroma of freshly brewed coffee and convenience of instant cooking. Thanks to a special manufacturing technology, each soluble granule
Jacobs Monarch Millicano
It contains solid particles of ultrafine grinding of the roasted beans which clearly disclose the nature of the coffee beans in each cup.
The emergence of a new generation of coffee
Jacobs Monarch Millicano
It became the hottest news for fans of the drink worldwide. The unique combination of rich flavor and delicate aroma of ground coffee and instant speed cooking has transformed the future of this product in the current European trend, which appreciated real coffee drinkers.

We invite you to take part in the competition, which is conducted social network Diets.ru, Women's Encyclopedia Womanwiki.ru and coffee brand with a worldwide reputation
Read more about the competition ...
Author: MyCharm.ru: Anna Shustrova