Women who experience stress, often give birth to girls
 A new study by British and American scientists shows that those women who experienced pregnancy to stress at work or in your personal life, are more likely to give birth to a girl than a boy.

Previously, scientists have made statements to the effect that in the period of strong shocks and crises fewer boys are born. For example, there was this tendency in the United States immediately after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. Then the number of births in New York City boy has fallen sharply. The same was observed in Germany in 1991, when the former GDR prevailed economic downturn and political chaos. Boys born then much smaller. By the way, in Russia there is confirmation of this.

But the latest study not only establishes the fact, but also explains it. It turns out the whole thing in raising the so-called stress hormone in pregnant women, including cortisol. Women who have the amount of cortisol before pregnancy was increased, gave birth to more girls. Rather high levels of cortisol in any way impede implantation in the uterus of male embryos. But, of course, the process of determining the sex of the child controls sperm chromosome set, and this is not disputed by scientists. In addition, male embryos are more susceptible to miscarriage, when high levels of cortisol.

Photo: Alamy

Author: MyCharm.ru: Julia Gnedina