Magazine "» № 1 -2011
 The January issue on sale from December 23, 2010
On the cover - actress and beauty Lyanka Gryu.

The joy of new experiences
Love two adults rarely platonic - intimate relationships are an important component. However, speaking about the possibility of experiencing sexual pleasure, many people mistakenly associate it with the canons of beauty, accepted in society.

Screening: tests before birth
Despite the fact that various studies carried out during pregnancy is not the first year, most women do not have a clear idea of ​​why you need prenatal screening, which it estimated the parameters of how to react to the results. This often gives moms excessive and unnecessary concern for your baby. That's why it's important to know what is the analysis.

 Magazine "» № 1 -2011
 Second Life
Wait a second child is different from the expectations of the firstborn. The woman calmly takes many symptoms of pregnancy, much less worry. And once, because the family already has one child who needs attention. That's him, that's just the main concerns are related and mother: how it will perceive the appearance of "rival"?

"Sweet Life
Pregnancy - a time not only joyful and anxious waiting, but also all sorts of limitations period for the future mother. She has a lot to change in my life, to growing up in her stomach a little man felt comfortable.

 Magazine "» № 1 -2011
 Grandma and grandpa close
Not by chance in many countries and grandparents holiday falls on a day of honoring guardian angels. Who grandmother to her favorite grandchild, but good genius? About unknown grandmothers famous people, so maybe you could say. But whether the celebrities themselves good grandparents - an interesting question.

Hormones help mom
Conceive and give birth to a healthy baby - a natural desire for a woman. Sometimes, however, a number of reasons the pregnancy or do not occur, or is interrupted in the early stages. And then the doctor prescribes a special reception of hormonal preparations.

 Magazine "» № 1 -2011
 Lyanka Gryu: happy, loved, pregnant
"You - the first magazine for which I have decided to withdraw, being in an interesting position. Who is not with you, I discuss the preparation for motherhood, caring and joy associated with the emergence of the baby in the family! "With these words began our acquaintance with the beautiful Lyanka Gryu and her husband Michael Weinberg. Charming star of the film "Return of the Musketeers" and the series "Barvikha" and popular film director met on the set in October 2009, and on July 9 exchanged rings in Griboedov palace weddings. Today, the "new social unit" is looking forward to the birth of first child. About how the couple preparing for this joyful event and rehearse new roles - caring parents, you know, and now in an exclusive interview Lyanka Gryu our magazine.

 Magazine "» № 1 -2011
 First trimester of pregnancy
Prenatal development of a new human takes quite a long time - an average of 286 days or nine months. Of course, the beginning of pregnancy, her middle and last weeks are very different from each other. During this time in a woman's body there are numerous changes and the baby from a tiny embryo turns into a real man. Therefore, pregnancy can be divided into approximately equal parts, called trimesters. And the most difficult of them - it is the first.

Country tips
It is a woman to announce that she is expecting a baby, and then from all sides bombarded her useful tips and valuable advice. Mothers, grandmothers, friends, colleagues - all consider it their duty to teach the expectant mother to live. And if for one of the Council (for example, doctors' recommendations) it makes sense to listen, many other information can be, and can be neglected. How to follow the advice? This conversation with the student of the school for parents "New People".

 Magazine "» № 1 -2011
 Childbirth is not standard
Females give birth since the creation of the world. What it became more civilized humanity, the great care, attention and received the necessary medical care mothers. In different countries at different times of the approaches to the birth of the baby were different. Currently around the world is steadily growing interest in non-traditional labor management practices.

The second - the golden
The most exciting and joyous moment of the outgoing year for a family of Moscow Alexey and Dasha Yushin was the birth of their second son, Philip. For the magazine "" it was also a festival: a couple of years ago we watched a pair of first birth, and now followed by a nice continuation. From the last delivery guys have a new life a lot: they give birth in the same maternity hospital number 17, the same psychologist, as well together. About what the second birth is still different from the first, she told us a young mother Dasha.

Uninvited guests
History lice duration is the history of mankind. Almost 500 BC Herodotus wrote that the Egyptian priests and scribes were always carefully shaved head, that no lice or other impure creatures could not cling to them when they are gods. Also, they shaved their heads and chins pharaohs, kings and nobles in ancient Egypt, Babylonia and Assyria.

Making shape under the direction of Vera Brezhnev
How to effectively lose weight without harm to health? What will cheat hunger? Where to find the strength to give up the "forbidden fruit"? This is what we have talked with Vera Brezhnev, singer, actress, TV presenter and a young mother, which is rightly deserved the title of the sexiest women in Russia.

Two of the 4 000 000
In 2010, the Nobel Prize in Medicine was awarded to Briton Robert Edwards, the developer of the method of in vitro fertilization (IVF). 85-year-old Edwards was awarded despite the fact that its research and development cause and cause many conflicting reviews.

10 Steps to a conscious conception
If the first child is the couple often happens spontaneously, then to the birth of a second baby most suitable spouse has seriously. Instead of relying on the usual Russian maybe, they begin to prepare in advance to conceive. Of course, this training takes a long time, but it's worth it. We present all the necessary steps that have to go through women and men to the result has been born healthy, desirable and long-awaited baby.

Also in this issue:   Consultation obstetrician-gynecologist, a lawyer, a pediatrician, an overview of the shops, Internet sites, company news, events, opinion column, hits sales.

Details on the website of the journal "Rody.Ru», http: //zhurnal-rody.rf/
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Author: Julia Gnedina