Social network "Home Moms" together with "Farmamed" holds fascinating quiz, which is dedicated to children's unique complex of vitamins, in the form of tasty jelly bears - VitaMishki. Tasty and healthy gummi bears - VitaMishki have become loyal friends of your child? Which VitaMishki complexes, the most important for your child? Answer the questions and check yourself!
Winners will receive the following prizes:
1st place - certificate Lego 1000 rub + 5 children's vitamin complexes VitaMishki
VitaMishki Immuno +
sea buckthorn, an active immunity strengthening
VitaMishki Multi +
with iodine and choline promote the child's mental development
VitaMishki Calcium +
with vitamin D, children's dental health
VitaMishki Bio +
with prebiotic - help to restore the intestinal microflora and normalize digestion
VitaMishki Focus +
blueberry, health children's eyes
2-3 places - 3 complex vitamins VitaMishki:
• VitaMishki Immuno +
• VitaMishki Multi +
• VitaMishki Bio +
4-5 places - 1 complex VitaMishki Immuno +

Participate here & gt; & gt; & gt;
Author: MyCharm.ru: Anna Shustrova