Snails, for most of us, not too pleasant creation. However, in Japan they are in full use at the spa. Live snails are placed directly on the face of the customer! Beauty Britain gradually adopt experience of Asians: in the cabin Simply Divine in the county Nortemptonshir procedure with snails is 50 pounds.
During the procedure, 3 huge snails vkormlennye on the best diet of organic fruits and vegetables are placed on the face of the client. And crawl. It is believed that these snails mucus contains natural antibiotics and hyaluronic acid, and when applied to the skin, gives a remarkable anti-aging effect. In addition, the movement itself snails on the face is very nice and well relax.

Snails special output for this procedure, and therefore this is not the same snail, which you can find in your garden. So, do not try to repeat it by yourself! Each snail in the cabin even has a name.
After working snail resting for at least 4 days - this time it is not used for other customers. Before the procedure, the skin of customers should be completely free from any cosmetics. After the procedure, snails are placed in "quarantine", ie do not communicate with other snails, so as to avoid the threat of infection to each other.

Source: dailymail.co.uk
Author: MyCharm.ru: Anna Shustrova