It is well known that the health and beauty of facial skin must be intensive moisturizing every day. Only a well-hydrated skin glows, look supple and young. And how often do we think that the scalp also requires wetting? As a rule, we just forget about it, just taking care of hair, whereas it is skin care is the key to a beautiful head of hair.
Many modern shampoos provide quality hair care without paying due attention to the scalp. But we know that the change of temperature, wind, adverse environmental conditions, dry indoor air - all this leads to dehydration of the skin, including the scalp! When dry scalp its protective properties deteriorate, resulting in the skin appears dandruff and hair become brittle.
Fortunately, scientists have puzzled Head & Shoulders the problem and develop effective means of providing thorough care of the scalp - a new shampoo
head & shoulders moisturizing skin care head

This shampoo with the addition ActiZinc incredibly effective: a beneficial effect on the scalp, it helps to restore its protective barrier. Improved formula includes a set of special caring ingredients to help your skin and hair retain moisture. As a result, hair becomes more manageable and protected from damaging external factors. In addition, thanks to the wonderful refreshing scent skincare head will be for you not only useful, but also a pleasant surprise.
Included in the shampoo formula Almond oil is widely used in cosmetics, in particular creams for the face and body. Vitamins B2 and B3, which is saturated in large quantities, it promotes metabolism and are essential for maintaining healthy skin. Almond oil is also considered to be a powerful natural stimulant of growth and strengthen the hair - nourishes their roots, enhances shine and elasticity.
René Rast, a senior scientific expert hair care P & G Beauty, said:
"Our research has shown that the use of a new shampoo has a significant beneficial effect on the scalp, thanks to the formula ActiZinc and almond oil: by strengthening the cuticle, the hair becomes more shiny and manageable. Only a healthy scalp ensures the growth of healthy and beautiful hair"
The result of using the new
head & shoulders moisturizing skin care head
speaks for itself - well-groomed and healthy scalp and beautiful hair, and, of course, no dandruff!
Author: MyCharm.ru: Lavrushina Lyudmila