This bag from Alexander Wang, the design of which is inspired sneakers, shoes have become a trend this year. The designer introduced several variations of the bag "as sneakers" from clutch to a convenient tote.
Almost every new bag from Alexander Wang becomes the subject of a stir among fashionistas, it built a whole queue of those wishing to enjoy the novelty. And by the time of start of sales of new products almost the entire edition is sold out.

Most likely, it will be with a new bag "running shoes", and the price from 1295 to 1395 dollars is unlikely to confuse.

Bag Alexander Wang Small Sneaker Sling in white ($ 1,295)

Bag Alexander Wang Small Sneaker Sling in black ($ 1,295)

Bag Alexander Wang Large Sneaker Sling gray nubuck ($ 1,395)

Bag Alexander Wang Small Sneaker Bag in black patent leather ($ 1,295)

Clutch Alexander Wang Sneaker Clutch ($ 1295)

Bag Alexander Wang Small Sneaker Bag white ($ 1,295)
Author: MyCharm.ru: Julia Gnedina