Indian wedding tattoo is now incredibly popular. Fashionistas Europe and America with great interest followed by Indian, decorating his body tattoos made with henna. We have a bit forgotten how useful it can be a substance for our beauty. Let's open ourselves to this very affordable ingredient.
Buy henna
It's very easy. In any pharmacy you can buy the yellow-orange powder colors at a very attractive price. Over 100 grams you will pay only a few dozen rubles. And this is perhaps one of the most accessible of beauty ingredient, along with table salt, oatmeal or ordinary clean water. Warning: Keep a ready solution henna should only be stored in the freezer!
Henna was used since ancient times as a natural dye. This plant may provide a palette of shades rather big, depending on the concentration and the dyeing process. These coloring properties of henna are used successfully by women and cosmetologists all over the world. Let us follow their recipes.
Henna Beauty: Mendi
This is the application of henna now at the peak of popularity. Henna is applied to the skin in the form of a paste, for a while it affects, and then washed off. And on the surface of the body is a beautiful pattern. This "beauty" is held for 2-4 weeks. Just in time for holiday or honeymoon. And most importantly - no consequences for the health of the skin and, unlike permanent tattoos.

Make a henna tattoo, you can in most beauty salons (500 rubles). And if you are planning to travel to India or Turkey, there also offers the traditional mehndi on the drawings, sometimes directly on the beach.
Make your own.
Try to create a henna tattoo yourself. Gather friends and make a special party where you will decorate each other interesting tattoo.
1. First prepare the skin. If a place where you will apply mehndi, there is vegetation - you can use a razor. Be sure to wash the skin with soap and water. And most importantly - it is necessary to degrease the skin, so it does not longitudinally be no lotion or oil. But before making a tattoo, it treats the skin with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol.
2. Prepare a solution. There are purchased options - then the solution is already packaged in a bottle with applicator (like glue). You can make and my agent. Henna should have the consistency of a thick paste. And it is best to apply just as you apply the cream on the cake.
3. If you accidentally hit the area of the skin, which should be clean, easy to fix. Moisten a cotton swab in alcohol and quickly remove makeup with henna.
4. Drying should be 10-15 minutes. At this time, it is desirable not to move, the paste solidifies and is not smeared. It will help speed up the process a hairdryer.
5. Secure the tattoo. Mix the lemon juice and sugar syrup. Sugar helps the paste to remain in place, and the acidity of the lemon juice allows you to fix the "paint". Put sugar mixture on the tattoo, cover with a cloth. The longer you keep the syrup, the stronger will be the tattoo. It is best to keep at least an hour. A Indian often make it up to 12 hours.
6. Remove the paste and syrup with water. First picture is not very dark, but for the next 24 hours tattoos become more intense.
Try as little as possible with soap to wash the tattoo, and it will last longer.
Henna Beauty: Hair coloring
If you are interested in 100% but natural hair color, it's henna. The color that will - from yellow straw to mahogany.

This can be a packet of henna powder or a product for dyeing the hair. For example, Lush has a product like Henna Hair Dyes (about 26 dollars). This briquettes based on cocoa butter, which are not only color but also have caring properties. The longer you keep the vehicle on the hair, the more intense will be cast. Thus, the painting can be stretched for hours, but pleases complete natural remedy.

Make your own.
1. Take henna powder, the amount depends on the length and thickness of hair. But in any case, 100 grams should be enough to spare.
2. Wear rubber gloves to the palm is not painted in a copper color.
3. For coloring, you can use a normal warm water, but better try black tea or diluted apple juice. Mix powder and water (or tea, juice) until a uniform composition.
4. Distribute the paint hair, cover your head with a plastic bag and a towel and leave for about 1 hour.
5. An hour later, rinse hair. As in the case of mehndi, the original color can look too bright and unnatural. We'll have to be patient, because the 1-2 days it will darken.
Henna Beauty: Manicure
This is not a nail art, this procedure is caring for nails and cuticles, which strengthens and prevents fungus and very good restoring nails after gel or acrylic. But we should remember that henna - a coloring agent, so no color is indispensable. And the result, which will result in an interesting treatment - a strong, healthy and red nails. The red color polish will last about a week, even if you wash your hands often with soap.

Make your own.
In the small plastic bag, mix 1 tablespoon of henna and lemon juice (add until a thick paste). But if the mixture gets too liquid, add a little baby powder. All mix thoroughly and place in refrigerator for 6-12 hours. When the mixture is ready, proceed to the therapeutic procedure:
1. Clean your nails, move the cuticle.
2. Degrease nails white vinegar on the cuticles around the nails, and put a little oil, to avoid staining henna.
3. Apply the henna on each nail. The multiple layers until the coating is opaque.
4. Leave the nails as long as possible, at least - 1 hour.
5. Remove the henna paste with a cotton swab and warm water.
6. After removing the paste cover all nails transparent protective nail polish.
If color is not enough, then the coating repeat 2 more times with henna. And then cover with a transparent varnish. For a week the nails will be strengthened and to be treated, and the effect of the procedure will last longer, even after the departure of colors - at least a month.
Henna Beauty: Scalp
Dandruff, peeling, dryness of the scalp - to cope with these problems henna. It is necessary to make a mask for hair with henna, do not keep as long as the staining. And a lot of difficulty with the scalp will be solved almost 1-2 treatments.
Brands organic or handmade cosmetics offer hair mask with the addition of henna.
Make your own.
Women of the world have accumulated a lot of home recipes for masks hair with henna. Henna is mixed with yogurt, eggs, broth of herbs and essential oils. And treat the scalp. Leave on the scalp should be no longer than 30 minutes.
Henna Beauty: Hair conditioner
Rinsing solution henna makes hair shine and strengthens them. It is a simple procedure, but very effective. Worth a try. It is especially recommended for split ends, hair loss, as well as for the purification of the residue buildup. Henna for air conditioner can be mixed with water or with a green / black tea.
Henna Beauty: Darkening of the skin
Skin Lightening - demanded idea. But there are cases where women should darken your skin. For example, it is done with the nipples. Men like women's nipples are more pigmented. Moreover, often for photo shoots and beach season is often required a more intense color to shine through the skin look more sexy.

And the application of henna to darken nipples justified. After Henna - a natural ingredient. One has only to warn against this nursing women.