Involuntary gift gnome
 The ancient peoples of the pomegranate was a symbol of happiness, wealth and fertility. He was highly regarded by the ancient Egyptians, and in ancient times it was called "Carthaginian apple" and Punic fruit.

This is due to the fact that pomegranate seedlings brought from the Mediterranean coast to the Phoenicians, founded in 825 BC, Carthage. A Punic called him because of the Punic wars waged by the Romans against the Carthaginians and beat them in the Third Punic War.

In the East, pomegranate since ancient times was called the king of all fruits. Pomegranate, depicted on the emblem of Spain, grows in Granada symbolizes Andalusia. Sepals pomegranate is a symbol of royal power, because its shape resembles a royal crown.

If you cut a juicy pomegranate, wrapped in a thick peel, it will be a lot of grains that make up a whole, and reminiscent of jewelry hidden in the bowels of the earth.

There is also a mineral called garnet, it is associated with the appearance on the ground pomegranate. This ancient history is as follows:

Dwarves worked underground, producing beautiful gems, and then they raised them to the ground and hid in their homes. But, here, one of the dwarfs tracked down people and arranged for them to hunt. Just got a little man from the ground, as people rushed to catch him. He ran, ran, but his feet-he has a short, not run away, but his magic hat of invisibility, he dropped somewhere in the subways and did not notice. What to do? That's right, caught his men.

And then he swung the dwarf struggled and threw a gem, and he slipped into a mouse hole. People saw lighteneth the sun stone and threw him, no longer pursue a dwarf. But when they ran to the place where the grenade fell, and it was he, of precious stones has increased tree blossomed before their eyes, and then, there were the fruit. People collected them, cut and amazed - that they gems grenades! But pomegranates, unfortunately or fortunately, there were no stones, and edible tasty and healthy fruits

Garnet - Punica Granatum   - Fruit subtropical deciduous fruit tree or shrub with a strong root system, up to 5 meters high. The branches of the pomegranate smooth, brownish-yellow color. Rounded large leaves are green on short stalks.

The flowers are bright red, single or assembled in the brush of 2-4 flowers on short stalks. Flowers of pomegranate, as a rule, are of two types. In bisexual flowers, resembling the shape jars, tied off. And the flowers, shaped like bells, the fruits are not fastened. Occasionally there are flowers of intermediate forms. Pomegranate Blossoms in May - June.

Pomegranate fruits - granatiny - large berries round, the top covered with red-and-yellow or brownish-red rind. On granatine saved and leathery pericarp, with a bowl. Numerous seeds, sometimes from 100 pieces and more are in the nests of the film, are arranged in two levels and surrounded by edible flesh. Taste the fruits are sour-sweet. They ripen in September - October.

Pomegranate trees can live up to 100 years and more. Pomegranate is native to Central Asia, the Crimea and the Caucasus. It grows on dry slopes and gravelly scree.

 Involuntary gift gnome
 The healing properties of pomegranate
- The pomegranate fruit contains vitamins A, B1, B2, B6 and B12, E, F, C, sugar, citric, malic organic acids, pectin, starch, tannin, fintotsidy; resinous substances, tannin and minerals such as iron, potassium, calcium, silicon, iodine ....

- In the bark and roots contain: tannin, ursulovaya acid, alkaloids.

- The pomegranate contains a lot of antioxidants.

- Pomegranate juice is not only useful vitamin cocktail, and it has many medicinal properties.

- Hippocrates treated pomegranate juice stomach pain.

- The bark of the ancient Greeks applied to wounds to accelerate their healing.

- The ancient Arabs were treated with pomegranate headache and stomach disorders bark and roots of garnet used for expulsion from the body of tape worms.

- Pomegranate juice is recommended to drink to prevent the development of atherosclerosis, hypertension, cancer, anemia, prescribe it with radiation exposure during colds and viral diseases, fever, asthma, exhaustion, juice, sour pomegranates prescribed for stones in the gallbladder and kidneys and sweet - kidney disease.

- Pomegranate juice is recommended to be diluted with water, because it contains a lot of acids that can irritate the walls of the stomach and destroy tooth enamel. Take it usually 1/3 cup with 1 teaspoon honey or not.

- Pomegranate juice is used in cooking. Pomegranate is cooked jam, syrup is added to the ice cream, decorate them ready-made meals. Caucasus garnet is used as a seasoning.

Cosmetic properties of the pomegranate
Garnet is widely used in folk cosmetics, as the guardian of feminine beauty and to give young skin at any age. Pomegranate juice perfectly nourishes, moisturizes and whitens the skin, tightens pores.

- To wipe the pomegranate juice is diluted with boiled water 1: 1.

- Rejuvenating Mask of pomegranate
Mix 2-3 teaspoons of pomegranate juice, 2 teaspoons of honey, 1 egg yolk, 1 teaspoon of sour cream, mix everything, put on the face, neck, chest for 10-15 minutes. Rinse with warm water, then wash with cool.

- Pomegranate mask for oily hair
¼ cup pomegranate juice mixed with 1 tbsp. lemon juice, 1 tbsp. spoon of honey and 1 teaspoon of vodka or 1 tbsp. spoon cologne. Mix and apply on the scalp and through the hair to the hook or put on a plastic cap, tie the head with a towel and leave for half an hour. After 30 minutes, wash your hair with shampoo and rinse with water, lemon juice podkislёnnoy. The mask is 1 time per week. Course 8-10 masks.
Author: Natalia Alexeeva