Facial - a touchy topic for women. But it is very urgent. Girls hopefully try various means, ranging from wax and ending with a razor. There is also a salon offers a laser or electrolysis. They are effective, but expensive and not suitable for all skin types. Then can come to the aid of people or pets, tools.
Succeeded in finding domestic and improvised means women of India. Facial found not rare in Indian women, and the majority of modern salon treatment is not suitable for their skin. But they were lucky, they have a time-tested recipes from mothers and grandmothers. INDIAN not afraid to try them on your face.
Not all tools work 100 percent, some can only alleviate the problem rather than get rid of it completely. One thing is guaranteed: they do not spoil the delicate skin of the face.
1. Basil + onions.
Basil has in many Indian homes, the women of India generously seasoned them with food, but also used in skin care. For example, there is a popular Indian recipe from acne with basil. And against facial hair need to use toothpaste. Take 10 basil leaves and 2 onions, and ground into a paste. Apply this composition needed to areas where the facial hair grow. Wait until the paste dries and rinse. Use this recipe you need in a day, and within a month there will be results.
2. Oatmeal.
This recipe mask. It should make a mixture of the following ingredients: 1 tablespoon of honey, a tablespoon of ground floor of oatmeal and a few drops of fresh lemon juice. Apply this paste on your face for 15 minutes. Repeat 2-3 times a week for a month. This helps a young Indian woman in removing facial hair.
3. Papaya + turmeric.
Delicious and juicy papaya fruit prized by women of India for its properties to improve digestion and the stomach flora. But papaya is also a popular ingredient in home remedies for the face. Against the vegetation used the following recipe: knead 1 papaya fruit and add a half teaspoon of turmeric. Massage for 15 minutes and rinse. Use 1 recipe once a week.

4. Turmeric + bean flour.
A pinch of turmeric, mix with the flour and add the yogurt (without fragrances and flavorings). Use this mixture to the skin to reduce facial hair. This recipe uses flour beans, a national Indian product prepared from it and added to the beauty-recipes. Russians can purchase flour of beans in supermarkets, it can be chickpea bean flour or soya flour.
5. Lemon + sugar.
It should make a paste from fresh lemon juice and sugar. If necessary, add a little water. Use in the hair growth direction on the skin and leave for 15 minutes. In one Indian beauty-blog tool was found to be very effective!
6. Honey + Lemon.
It modified the previous recipe. Instead of sugar, use honey. This ingredient is valued Indian, especially those who are prone to acne and blackheads. After all, honey - a natural antibacterial agent. So, to remove facial hair should mix 4 tablespoons honey and 2 teaspoons lemon juice freshly squeezed. Apply to face and leave for 15 minutes, after - rinse. The recipe is effective, if used 2 times a week.

7. Egg + sugar.
Separate the egg white, egg yolk is not required. But it can be used to wrap the hair mixed with olive oil. For protein, add 1 teaspoon of sugar and 1 teaspoon of cornstarch. It turns out excellent whitening toothpaste, which facilitates the hairs, making them thinner. The paste should be applied to places with abundant vegetation on the face, and remove only when the paste is completely dry on the skin. Apply 2 times a week.
8. milk + flour.
Again need bean flour (half a cup), and half a glass of milk, 1 teaspoon turmeric boat and 1 teaspoon of fresh cream. Mix well and cover with a mixture of facial hair. Massaging and leave for 25 minutes. Next - to remove, rubbing in the opposite direction of hair growth.
9. Turmeric + milk.
Like the previous recipe, is a modern analogue of the cream of the hair on his face. The mixture is applied to the face, dry it, and removed by physical means in a circular motion, then wash off the remnants.

10. Potatoes + lentils.
We need peeled and shredded raw potatoes. From the bowl of the potato, remove the juice, mix it with crushed lentils (lentils soak overnight). Add 4 tablespoons of lemon juice and 1 tablespoon of honey. This mixture is applied to the face and remove when it is completely dry.
The latest craze of Indian women - the way Arabic
Studying blogs Indian girls, we can note one more way against facial hair. This longstanding find oriental beauties and girls from India noted the effectiveness of the method.
This removal of facial hair using a thread. Such a method is used to remove hair from the eyebrows, upper and lower lip and chin. Sometimes a method called "Arab." Here is the procedure.

- Need a strong cotton thread. With it, the hairs are captured and uprooted. This hair removal using a thread.
- Cut a length of cotton thread around the size of a forearm. The shorter the string, the more control you will have over the process.
- Tie the ends of the thread to form a ring.
- Extend the ring strands between your hands, keeping your thumb and index fingers of both hands.
- Twist the string "eight" several times (6-7 rotations around each other). So as to form a portion of the twisted yarn length of about 2, 5 cm.
- Practice. Hold the twisted yarn ring on your fingers, try to move the twisted plot. Expanding one finger ring and the other narrowing. These movements form the basis of the process.
- Now try to remove hairs. For anesthesia can first treat the skin with an ice cube. Place the "eight" on the hairs so that the hairs were in the same ring of "eight". Now try to move the twisted plot, revealing another ring fingers "eight". As a result, the hairs are gripped and pulled out a twisted thread.