Secrets of the geisha. Part 1
 Geisha - the dream of every Japanese - the perfect combination of inner and outer beauty. Geisha - a woman of mystery, a mystery. Geisha - the harmony of femininity.

Currently, the word "Geisha"   became a household word to refer to a female ideal - an exotic beauty in bright kimono in which she looked like a beautiful flower, a wave of eyelashes makes the hearts of men tremble. However, geisha literally translated from Japanese means "art person" or "person with skill." More often than not become geisha girls from poor families, sold to a geisha house, the daughter of the owners of such houses or daughter geisha themselves. Future Geisha learn the art of singing and playing musical instruments, art oranzhirovki colors, and the ability to choose and wear a kimono, traditional dance, calligraphy and painting, and the geisha were able to conduct a tea ceremony.

The main centers of culture become geisha in Kyoto, Osaka and Tokyo, where they first appeared in the XVII century. In those days, when the Japanese position was destined only hostess, geisha is able to win a new role for women - housewives karyukai or "flower and willow world" - so called in Japan and professional life of geishas and girls - Maiko

Ration flower fairies

Slimness   - A prerequisite for the beauty of Japanese women, flower. Tenderness and beauty of your skin Japanese women are obliged to, first of all, your diet: rice, seafood and fresh vegetables. The abundance of unsaturated fatty acids, phosphorus and iodine beneficially affects the appearance, in particular the skin and hair. In addition, moderation in food - the best of diets.

The basis of the diet of Japanese women and Japanese since ancient times was rice . No wonder one of the oldest names in Japan - "Land of the rice ears." The structure of rice has 8 essential amino acids required by the human body to create new cells. Rice grains to 7-8% protein. Unlike other cereals in the rice does not contains gluten - a vegetable protein, which cause allergic reactions in some people. Fig contains almost no salt, so it contributes to slimming. Fig contains much potassium, it also has phosphorus, zinc, iron, calcium and iodine. Rice - an important source of B vitamins, which help to strengthen the nervous system and have a beneficial effect on skin, hair and nails.

Seafood and fish - The second part of the Japanese diet - have a highly properties. These meat contains essential amino acids, trace elements present than 37. Copper is involved in the synthesis of hemoglobin; zinc is required for the synthesis of DNA and RNA, cobalt - for the formation of red blood cells and the maintenance of healthy nervous tissue. Equally useful for the organism, and other trace elements contained in seafood, such as manganese, nickel, titanium, chromium and others.
According to the Japanese, it can not be excluded from the diet and fat. Vegetable oil (olive or sunflower) has a positive effect on the body, giving it the necessary acid - even a teaspoon of the oil is able to prolong life and give your body the necessary substances.

Of course, it is not necessary to explain the appearance of a beautiful geisha beauties-only tradition of healthy eating - a lot depends on skin care, hair and body. There and then at the Japanese women and their secrets.

Waterfall silk hair

Queen of men's hearts is not conceivable without a perfect hairstyle. Therefore, in the period of apprenticeship geisha or maiko future she goes to the hairdresser every week and slept on a very hard roller, so as not to spoil expensive wizard. However, before the revolution in the creation of cosmetics and start large-scale production and use of industrial beuty-products, hike to the ancient "salon" was a real challenge for young maiko. Hair comb and stripping hot metal ironing, and then apply a special composition, fixing her hair. By getting rid of dandruff emerged dramatically - scraped special sticks or nails. From the constant challenging hairstyles for places where special hinges attached to support hair, receding hairline formed over time, which can now be corrected surgically.

That hair does not become lifeless, not thinner and lose their luster, geishas used various formulations.


An essential element for hair care, facial and body have been geishas camellia oil, which contains vegetable proteins and oleic acid. Apply this oil over the entire length on the slightly damp hair and cover with a warm towel. After 15-20 minutes rinse with shampoo hair oil.

Kaki or Japanese persimmon - The national fruit of Japan. Persimmon contains vitamin C, a good source of beta-carotene and potassium. For the preparation of Japanese hair masks need to clean persimmon from the skin, remove bones and mash to a state of mashed fruit pulp. Mix the pulp with 1 tablespoon of cream and one egg yolk. Apply the mixture on your hair, distributed over the entire length. Cover with a warm towel. After 20-30 minutes rinse with shampoo.

Soya beans   - Japanese favorite vegetable. Soya - a rich source of protein, the number of amino acids of the vegetable protein is close to the animal. Soya famous great number of vitamins (D, C, E, beta-carotene, B2). In addition, soy contains many kinds of micro - (iron, manganese, boron) and macroelements (potassium, phosphorus, calcium), and lecithin. Therefore, to supply hair is very useful to make soy mask. It is possible to take advantage of preparing the composition of soy flour - 4 tablespoons of mix with 3 tablespoons of cream, add 1 teaspoon of camellia oil. Mix everything and apply on dry hair. Cover with a warm towel. Wash off after 30-40 mine with shampoo.

To prepare the mask can be used and the beans. To do this they need to soak overnight in water (~ 200/300 grams). In the morning soft bean mash with a fork and mix with cream and camellia oil. Mix everything and apply on dry hair. Cover with a warm towel.


For the strengthening and growth of Japanese rubbed into the roots of a mixture of sea salt and seaweed. Combine the salt and any algae in a ratio of 2: 1 (if necessary, can be ground seaweed) and rub the mixture into the hair roots. Cover your hair with warm towel. After 20-25 minutes, rinse with salt and algae, and wash your hair.


To revive tired hair geisha rinsed their traditional green tea. Thanks to the large amounts of vitamins and other active ingredients, green tea brought back life into dull tired hair.
Also for toning according to Japanese recipes you can use the infusion of Chinese roses and hibiscus. To make it, pour three tablespoons of rose petals three cups of boiling water, let it brew. Apply infusion to clean damp hair, 10-15 minutes, rinse with water.

For greasy hair

A wonderful tool to fight with high fat content of hair is a mask of white clay and rice bran (the proportion of 1: 1). Dissolve the dry mixture with warm water until mushy state and apply on hair. Wrap your head warm towel. After 20-25 minutes, wash your hair with shampoo.


To give the softness of its harsh natural hair using a mask of Japanese plum. Take 4-5 medium sized plum. Peel, remove seeds. Fruit mash to a state of mashed potatoes, add a couple tablespoons of rice flour, add ½ -1 teaspoon of camellia oil and 1 teaspoon of cream and stir. Before head washing divide hair into locks and put the resulting mass on the roots of the hair along the entire length. Cover the head with a warm towel. Wash off after 30-40 minutes with shampoo.

Geisha honing their skills for centuries. Brushed beauty recipes for hair and body, take care of themselves and the "outside" and "inside". So, let's use the same time-tested recipes to maintain their youth and beauty.

To be continued...
Author: Inna Sedykh