Oriental spices for beauty: turmeric and cinnamon
 In the East, spices and seasonings were used to maintain the beauty of beauties. Here are some unique ancient recipes.

Oriental culture is unthinkable without the use in cooking, medicine and religious rituals of various herbs and spices. By Flavourings are virtually all aromatic substances of vegetable origin which can be used in this pischu- roots, barks and seeds of some plants which are used either alone or in the powdered form or as a powder.


Turmeric is a root of a plant of the ginger family. The root can be of different colors, from dark orange to reddish-brown. Homeland spices - East India and Vietnam, it is cultivated in India, China, Indonesia, Japan, Sri Lanka, Cambodia, Madagascar and Reunion in the Caribbean. In Europe, turmeric fell in ancient times - was probably imported by the Arabs.

Turmeric is one of the most popular Ayurvedic spices. It is believed that it gives prosperity as gives the energy of the Divine Mother. In addition, turmeric has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and antibiotic properties. The plant is widely used in cosmetics - is a part of anti-aging creams, masks and lotions.

Facial scrub

For deep cleansing and exfoliation of the skin can be prepared following mixture: in coffee grounds add a little turmeric, salt, cinnamon and one teaspoon of olive oil. The resulting scrub, apply to dry skin and make some movements on the massage lines. Rinse with cool water.

Purifying Mask

Mix turmeric powder with honey in the ratio 1: 1, apply to dry skin. Hold for 10-15 minutes and rinse with cool water.

Rejuvenating drink

In a glass of hot milk pour 1 teaspoon of turmeric, stir and drink throughout the day.

Balm for the soul of the island of Java

You will need 3/4 cup sugar, 2 teaspoons of turmeric, 1/3 cup vegetable oil, a pinch of vanilla and a few drops of essential oil of cinnamon and patchouli. Mix all ingredients until the consistency of paste. Take a warm shower and massage your skin paste. Take a shower, rub the skin with a sponge soaked in yogurt, and then rinse with water. Do not use this balm on sensitive or injured skin.

Means after epilation

Turmeric can be used as a means after epilation, slow hair growth, as a strong antiseptic, anti-irritation. To do this, it is diluted with hot water to the consistency of sour cream and put on sections proepilirovanye


Cinnamon - powder or rolled in a tube of an inner layer of bark evergreen cinnamon tree. Homeland cinnamon - tropical rainforests of Southeast Asia. Ceylon cinnamon is common in Sri Lanka, India, Myanmar, Vietnam, Chinese cinnamon is cultivated in China, Vietnam, Sri Lanka and Indonesia. A typical smell of cinnamon is due to essential oils (up 1.5%). It contains cinnamic aldehyde, eugenol and phellandrene. Cinnamon has anti-oxidant properties. The oil of this plant is used to make ointments sogrevayusche-irritant.

Body scrubs

Mix 2 teaspoon black pepper coarsely ground cinnamon, a little olive oil and 1 teaspoon coarse salt. This scrub will not only cleanse the skin, it stimulates the flow of blood - it is useful for those who want to enhance the effect of exercise (this helps cinnamon).

For deep cleansing body scrub can be prepared from the coarse cup sugar (preferably brown cane), half a glass of olive oil and 1 teaspoon cinnamon.

Warming and toning tea

Cut a small strip of orange zest in a spiral. Cinnamon sticks pour 0, 5 liters of boiling water and infuse for 10 minutes (can be heated in a small fire, if the dishes bad retains heat). Add hot water and tea peel, boil (but not boil!). Infuse for 3 minutes.

Tips for using spices

-   Before using whole spices, especially purchased in large quantities, move them to clear them of debris.

-   Store the herbs and spices in airtight jars in a cool, dry place out of direct sunlight.
Author: Inna Sedykh