The vine - a gift of heaven
 Grapes - a unique herbal product which is most similar to human nature.

Approximately 7,000 years ago the culture of vineyard already in full flourish in the Caucasus, Central Asia, Syria, Mesopotamia and Egypt in the Mediterranean, Black and Caspian Seas.

According to one of the dowry, after cleaning the biblical Flood, Noah planted the first grapes. Grapes - the gift of God to the people, it has become a way of Israel, and the symbol of the chosen people became a vine that God tore in Egypt. The wine as a symbol of blood and life appears in the Old Testament. Grapes and wine are cultivated since ancient times in India. In the IX century, the culture of wine growing in the Muslim world reached its greatest prosperity.

Grapes and his miracles, healing and cosmetic properties are legendary. For example, China actively grapes delivered to all corners of the empire to the table and, of course, to the pharmacy. The ancient Greeks and Romans it was prescribed to restore strength and improve metabolism, while other serious diseases. In the Hellenistic culture of grapes and methods of its use were brought to Europe, and with it, and spread information about its beneficial properties.

The unique chemical composition of grapes

The founder of modern medicine, Hippocrates equated the grape juice for the healing properties to honey and breast milk. Ancient Greek scientist had emphasized that the grapes are amazing suits human nature, so equally useful both for health and for the patient.

Grapes contain sugar (18-20%), organic acid (about 2, 5%), tartaric acid, citric acid ,, malic, succinic, oxalic, formic, salicylic (trace), salts of potassium, calcium, magnesium and iron, and double salts of these the same elements, tannins, pectin and dyes, quercetin, ENIN glitch-zidy mono- and didelfinidina and vitamins (A 0, 02-0, 1.2 mg%, B .- tracks B2 0, 006 mg% C - 0 43- mg%). Leaves contain sugar (about 2%), tartaric acid, malic acid and protocatechuic acid, tannins, inositol, quercetin, carotene, choline, betaine.

Interesting! Discovered in the fruit of grapes a special type of flavonoids - proanthocyanidins - it is one of the most beneficial to the human body substances:

- Proanthocyanidins are important for protection against free radicals - corrosive molecules that destroy the cells of our body;

  - Proanthocyanidins possess anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory and protivoaterogennymi (prevent degenerative changes in the walls of arteries) properties;

- Proanthocyanidins help to improve the condition of patients with varicose veins, arthritis and certain types of allergies.

Grapes in the hand-made cosmetics

In the service of beauty grape it is also a very long time - since the days of Cleopatra. Already in those days, a woman discovered the secret of how to use its unique properties to preserve her youth skin. Its active components are perfectly toned skin, giving it flexibility and elasticity, significantly improves the color and, in addition, have excellent moisturizing properties, strengthen the walls of tiny blood vessels, oppose the destruction of collagen, elastin, hyaluronic acid and glucuronic - reinforcing the main components of the skin.

- Egyptian lotion. Fruits 1-2 clusters of the vine should be knead and squeeze 2 hours of juice. The capacity to pour 400 ml of juice, add to 1 cup vodka. Swab dipped in this lotion, wipe clean skin, without washing lotion for 1-2 hours.

- Grape Honey lotion. The fruits of grapes to stretch through 2:00 squeeze the juice into a container to pour 400 ml of juice, add there 1-2 tablespoons of honey and 1 teaspoon of sea salt, mix well and then drain, then pour 1 cup of vodka there. Swab dipped in this lotion, wipe clean skin, without washing lotion for 1-2 hours.

Important!   Preparations with honey is not recommended for those who suffer from rosacea.

- Mint, Grape lotion. 2 teaspoons dried mint boil for 2 minutes at 0, 5 liters of water to pour a pint of grape vinegar mixture to cool and add 2 tablespoons of rose water.

- Grape toning wrap.   Linen cloth or gauze folded into several layers and make holes for the eyes and nose. Moisten with juice gauze and apply on face for 15-20 minutes. After removing the mask face rinse with warm water and apply a nourishing cream.

- Express moisturizing. Cut open a few grapes and lubricate their face, neck and décolleté. Wipe with a damp swab after 20 minutes.

- Grape ice.   The undiluted fresh grape juice is poured into molds for ice and frozen.

- Strong moisturizing for dry skin.   In 1 mashed yolks add 1 teaspoon of grape juice and stir. Apply on face for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with cool water.

- Nourishing grape mask . 1 teaspoon of cottage cheese rub with 1 teaspoon of liquid honey and add 2 teaspoons of freshly squeezed grape juice. The mixture thickly greased face, after 10-15 minutes, rinse with cold water.

- Another nourishing mask from grapes.   ½ cup of very warm and thick milk semolina mixed with 2 egg yolks, 2 teaspoons of honey, 2 teaspoons of almond oil or olive oil, add 1/2 teaspoon finely ground salt and 2 teaspoons of grape juice. Apply on face for 20-30 minutes. Rinse with warm water.

- Grape mask for oily skin.   To 1 tablespoon of crushed grapes into mush add half the egg yolk and 1 teaspoon of potato starch. All of these components stir until smooth. Apply mask on face for 20 minutes, rinse with warm, and then - with cold water.

- Grape SPA-treatments for hands.   Mix 1 cup of grape juice with the same amount of raw milk. In this fluid wet layer of cotton wool and put it on your hands. Push the top wide rubber gloves. Remove after 15-20 minutes, your hands get wet towel and lubricate with a nourishing cream.

Grape seed oil

A unique natural product - grape seed oil powerful regenerating, antioxidant, moisturizer, vitaminizing means. The oil has the ability to regulate sebum secretion. It tightens but does not clog pores. It regulates the function of cell membranes, as well as sweat glands, promotes excretion of oxidized corrosive radicals. Located in one of the few oils that are suitable for oily and combination skin types.

Important!   Contraindications to the use of oil is not identified.

The chemical composition of the oil

The unique composition of the oil makes it 20 times more effective in relation to dangerous for the body of free radicals than vitamin C. The composition of the oil include:

- Palmitic acid

- Myristic acid

- Palmitoleic acid

- Ctearinovaya acid

- Linolenic acid

- Arahidinovaya acid

- Gadoleic acid

- Triglycerides of linoleic (70%), and oleic (25%) acid

Important!   Grape seed oil contains plant pigment chlorophyll (green color intensive conditioning oil), which has a tonic effect, increases the basal metabolic rate, stimulates granulation and epithelialization of the affected tissue.

Oil and leather

- Oil vitaminiziruet, softens the skin, prevents premature aging;

- Oil smoothes and protects the skin from the loss of natural moisture, soothe her back a sense of comfort, stimulates vital processes;

Butyric softens and strengthens the skin's top layer, thereby it becomes more resistant to external factors;

- Oil restores loss of skin fat and fat natural hair after applying any cleaning products;

- The oil has healing and healing action;

- Oil is universally applicable to any skin.
Author: Inna Sedykh