Internet is filled with calls: "Lose weight with activated charcoal! "," One tablet of coal - minus 1 kg of fat! " etc. Do you believe these claims? Let's see what activated carbon can help us. And not just for weight loss but also to care for themselves.
Activated carbon is stashed in our medicine cabinets mainly as a "cure for the stomach." However, did you know that these pills black can be a good helper with skin problems? Activated carbon can eliminate the bacteria and oils wherein purify and dry the skin.
Charcoal was used in medicine and cosmetics for thousands of years. The ancient Egyptians did with coal compresses on wounds (to keep them clean) water filtration coal was used before our era, and in the 18th century, coal has become a recognized antidote.
What is activated carbon?
The name of "coal" confuses many. But activated charcoal - those are not the embers, which is fried skewers. Activated charcoal is charcoal treated with oxygen, is removed from the water. This is done in order to become more porous carbon. What makes activated carbon, when we drink in disorders of the stomach?
Activated charcoal acts as a powerful magnet that attracts impurities, toxins, pollution - primarily organic. This feature helps to coal even in cases of poisoning by chemicals and spoiled food. By the way, no wonder the most effective filters for purifying water containing carbon (carbon filters), there is also "works" activated carbon.

Activated carbon not only cleanses the stomach
Now it is clear, as coal can help with weight loss. It acts as an excellent detox. Purification of the stomach is one of the first steps when you want to lose quality. Naturally, you should know that this detox should not get involved, so do not listen to advice to take activated charcoal daily. Activated carbon is a help to prepare the body to the new diet and new lifestyle.
Cleaning properties of the activated carbon is logical to use not only in cases of poisoning. If coal is able to draw out toxins and dirt, it is his ability to use this for our skin.
Masks activated carbon cleans the skin, even deep within the pores. This allows you to use them as prevention of pimples and blackheads. Use of activated carbon on the skin should be 1 or 2 times per week. Primarily,
Activated charcoal cosmetics intended for oily skin with large pores.
Such funds can be done by yourself, but you can buy the finished product. For example, the mask ORIGINS Clear Improvement® Active Charcoal Mask, or a series of so-called "black" funds boscia® (Detoxifying Black Cleanser, Luminizing Black Mask, Revitalizing Black Hydration Gel).

Means of activated carbon with their hands
Attention! When the activated carbon is taken into account, that it leaves smudges on clothing and on the skin. Therefore, proceed carefully. However, these spots are easily washed off.
• Activated charcoal teeth whitening
Carbon pollution cleans very efficiently by removing plaque. Draws in this recipe and complete naturalness. Use whitening coal costs no more than 1-2 times per week, in order to avoid erasure of tooth enamel.
For this recipe we need toothpaste, toothbrush and powder activated carbon. Sometimes carbon already available in powder form (capsules). But if coal in the tablets, it is necessary to crush.
Apply the paste on the toothbrush and dip the brush into the carbon powder, the paste is completely covered with a layer of powder. Brush your teeth as usual. Naturally, the mouth and teeth after a cleaning will have a black patina. It should be by conventional rinse water.

• The mask with activated charcoal
This mask is suitable for all skin types, but to make better use of testing in the area of skin to see if there is an allergic reaction. This can be done on the arm and wait 24 hours. It should also be noted that coal masks similar in action on the clay, but cosmeticians recognizes that coal - cleaner ingredient than the clay.
- 1 teaspoon of activated carbon
- 1 teaspoon of aloe vera gel (or pure aloe vera juice)
- 1 teaspoon of water or rose water
- 5 drops of tea tree oil
- 1 pinch of sea salt
Mix all ingredients in a small container and apply on face with a thin layer. Give the mask to dry, and then - to wash off. This mask cleans the skin pores, removes excess sebum, matting the skin.

• Facial Scrub with activated charcoal
Cooking method:
- Take two tablets of activated charcoal.
- Add half or one teaspoon of water. Leave for a few minutes, the tablet will begin to bubble as the water absorption.
- Add a teaspoon of aloe vera (juice or gel).
- The same amount of honey.
- Add a teaspoon of sugar. Try not to use salt because it dehydrates the skin.
- All mix thoroughly and apply on face. Leave on for 20-30 minutes on the face. During this time, the composition dries.
- Wash off the mask scrub clean water.
• Soap with activated charcoal
Coal and soap - it seems that these two concepts are contradictory. However, it is not. Activated carbon is frequently used in medicinal formulas and homemade soap. After all, as we explained above, coal pull all the toxins and impurities. Soap with charcoal are often advised to those who suffer from acne. And many who have tried, confirmed that the acne is much easier, almost passes.

Soap with activated charcoal does not harm the skin, you can use it without fear, although some embarrassing black detergent. Coal soap can be purchased for those who cook their own soap, or make it the most. The recipe is simple: the normal base composition is added activated carbon powder. You can melt the usual children's soap powder, and add to, to form a new cake of soap.