In the late summer - early autumn, it's hard not to pay attention to the bright, simply flaming shades of yellow and orange flowers nasturtium. NF Zolotnitsky wrote on this subject: "Bright orange nasturtium flowers differ remarkable property sometimes erupt when a bright red sunset."
At the time, this feature nasturtiums drew the attention of his father, and the daughter of Carl Linnaeus.
Once called nasturtium flower
Because of the peculiar shape of the flower spur.
The fact,
- A pointed hood of the Capuchin monks, Catholic Order is very similar to a flower nasturtium.
For example, in Germany still on nasturtium seed pods write
kapuziner tropaeolum
Nasturtium, Capuchin
- Herbaceous annual or perennial plant of the family nasturtsievyh.
It is believed that in the world there are about 100 species of nasturtiums, and the first of them in Europe brought travelers from the mountains of South America.
Stems from nasturtiums succulent, branched up to 40 cm in height, but there are also long the plant up to 2 meters. Especially if it is climbing nasturtiums.
Generally nasturtiums shoots are very fragile and easily broken.
The leaves are round, usually lobed, thyroid, major long petioles.
The flowers are bright red, orange, yellow, single, bisexual, axillary, corolla with having a spur.
There are dark burgundy, cream and pink salmon nasturtiums, and the neck of the flower can be contrasting spots.
Nasturtiums pleasant smell. Pollinating insects. Above the flowers almost constantly circling bees, bees, flies.
Nasturtiums growing in South America, are pollinated by hummingbirds.
In central Russia nasturtium is grown as an annual.
Fruit of the assembly consists of three rounded reniform, wrinkled shares. Seeds rounded-reniform.

Flowers and stems nasturtiums from time immemorial used for food, for medical and cosmetic purposes. To do this, collect flowers, leaves and seeds of nasturtiums.
The nasturtium flowers and leaves contain vitamins A, B, C (it is greater than in the leaves of lettuce), antimicrobial agents, colorants, flavonoids, iodine, potassium, iron, phosphorus, selenium ...
And in the stems of nasturtium vitamin C more than the berries of black currant.
Preparations of nasturtium have antimicrobial, antiseptic, expectorant, antitussive, diuretic properties.
Nasturtium, is used in the form of salads, normalizes metabolism and helps lose weight.
It is prescribed for diseases of the cardiovascular system, kidney stones, urinary bladder diseases, bronchitis, atherosclerosis, anemia, scurvy ...
Nasturtium increases immunity, helps to cope with age-related changes, prevents the development of diseases associated with poor environment and stress.
And tubers have tuberous species contain substances that reduce the level of testosterone in the body.
Knowing the ability of nasturtiums reduce libido, Inca generals always included in the diet of their soldiers.
Flowers, boiled in honey, treat 'thrush' mouth in children.

And, of course, nasturtium used in traditional cosmetics.
Nourishing Mask
1 flower nasturtium grind, grind, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sour cream and 1 chicken egg yolk, mix well, apply on face for 10 minutes. Remove, swab dipped in lukewarm tea leaves of green tea.
After 5 minutes, wash with cool water.
The mask for aging skin
Mix 2 tbsp. tablespoons chopped herbs and nasturtium flowers with 2 tbsp. spoons of cottage cheese, add 1 tbsp. spoon warm cream and stir. Apply on face for 15 minutes.
Remove swab dipped in warm milk or cream.
After 5-7 minutes to wash with mineral water without gas or cool boiled water.
Hair Lotion
Grind 100 g of fresh leaves and nasturtium seeds, pour a glass of vodka, insist 2 weeks in a dark place, filter. Rub into the hair roots with oily skin in its pure form, for dry skin diluted with boiled water 1: 1.
Well rub the skin with a brush. Wash off after 20-30 minutes.
For better hair growth and splendor of the hair roots rubbed the juice from the leaves and stems of nasturtiums.