 "Whoever sees the fennel and is not going to - not a man, and the devil ...".
(Old English proverb)

Fennel has been known since ancient times, his prized chef of ancient Egypt, Greece, Rome, China. It was believed that the seeds of his sighted and give strength.

In ancient Greece, the fennel was a symbol of good luck. The ancient Greeks called fennel "marathon", connecting the name of the place of the battle, where they defeated the Persians in 490 BC

Fennel mentions in his writings of Pliny the Elder. The ancients believed that the flavor of fennel gives man extraordinary power, drives away evil spirits and attract all the bright and positive.

About the evil spirits I do not know, but our grandmothers successfully stripped them of fleas. In the Middle Ages, monks and priests during his lengthy prayers breath freshening razzhёvyvaya fennel seeds.

Fennel - Foeniculum vulgare   - Biennial or perennial spice plant from Umbelliferae. Vernacular: pharmacy dill, fennel Voloska, sweet cumin.

In subramose fennel root, similar to the spindle. Stem straight, round, with subtle grooves and a bluish tinge, silnovetvisty upstairs and a half to two meters in height.

 Glaucous leaves are cut into long narrow segments having similarities with dill. Small yellow flowers are collected in inflorescence - cyme. Fruit - brownish-greenish naked dvusemyanka oblong to 5-8sm long.

Fennel is considered the homeland of Asia Minor, the Black Sea countries, Southern Europe. Grown on the greens and seeds in an annual or biennial culture in many countries. Some entire plantations fennel, for example, in Japan, North and South America, China, Eastern India, France, Italy, Poland, Argentina, Ukraine, Moldova. Wildly Fennel is found in the Crimea, Central Asia and the Caucasus.

The healing properties of fennel
For medicinal purposes from summer to autumn collect sweetish fennel seeds with the original flavor, slightly reminiscent of anise. Umbrellas are dried in the shade and threshed.

The fennel contains vitamins - B, E, PP, C, carotene, an essential oil, a fatty oil, proteins, sugars and other nutrients.

Fennel has a disinfectant, antimicrobial, expectorant, diuretic and carminative properties.

About the medicinal properties of fennel known since ancient times. The court physician of Ferdinand I PA Mattioli in his treatise "The power and effect of fennel," published in 1563 in Prague, tells the story of the healing properties of this plant.

Traditional medicine uses fennel seeds in the form of tea at a bad mood, migraines, bronchitis, pneumonia, whooping cough, cough, asthma, flatulence, abdominal pain, renal diseases, influenza, cystitis, urethritis, insomnia, menopause, to improve vision.

Preparation from fennel treated cataracts, conjunctivitis.

- Infusion
1 teaspoon crushed fennel seeds on a coffee grinder pour 1 cup boiling water, leave for 20 minutes, cool, strain and drink warm. You can add honey.

Fennel promotes the formation of milk in nursing mothers.

Our grandmothers used to be cooked fennel "dill water," which was given to young children during flatulence.

Tea from fennel seeds washed eye inflammations.

Where grows fennel, in the atmosphere is minimized content of mushrooms.

Tea made from fennel seeds drink wishing to lose weight, because it improves metabolism, removes toxins and carcinogens, burns fat.

When stomatitis fennel broth rinse their mouths.

Leaves and petioles fennel in salads, fillings made of them and serves as a condiment for a variety of dishes.

Fennel Beauty
Fennel oil has a beneficial effect on the skin. Fennel Broth smoothes wrinkles and evens out skin color. Compress from the infusion of fennel relieves inflammation of the eye, redness and swelling of the eyelids.

- If acne and inflammation of the skin
Boil 1 teaspoon fennel ½ cup boiling water, leave for 20 minutes, drain, wet gauze folded several rows in broth, not too pressing to put on your face. Wash after removing the mask is not required.

- The mask of fennel
Rub 1 teaspoon of young fennel seeds, add 1 teaspoon of honey, 2 tablespoons soft cheese, one egg. All stir well, apply on face for 10 minutes. Rinse with warm water, wash cold.

- Broth rinse hair
1st. a spoonful of fennel seeds in a thermos brew 1 liter of boiled water, 1 hour, drain, rinse hair myatya field. Dandruff disappears, the hair becomes thicker and grow faster.
Author: Natalia Alexeeva