Gooseberries, which grows in central Russia at almost every garden plot for the season will look younger, and the inside and outside.
In fact, gooseberry plant is very old. In England, he began to cultivate during the reign of Henry VIII. And in Russia in the XI century, it was planted in the monastery garden.
The world knows of about 50 species of wild gooseberry. Three of them grow on the territory of the CIS. But most of us are familiar only with the cultural gooseberry.
- A long-term shrub of the family of gooseberry. It can grow up to 3 meters in height, but usually much lower.
Gooseberry shoots at the nodes are equipped with thorns and spines in the interstices. The leaves are green, 3-5 lobed. The flowers are usually bisexual, in racemes of 2-3 flowers and more. Fruit - a false berry, round or oblong, naked or pubescent. Lohmatenkaya berry, usually sweeter.
The color of the fruit green, yellow, pink, rarely fruits are red, purple or black color.
Gooseberries loves heat and light, but almost can not tolerate drought.
Gooseberries are very useful. They contain vitamins - A, B1, P, sugar, pectin, organic acids, potassium, phosphorus, iron, ...
Gooseberry juice normalizes metabolism and helps normalize weight, which is important for anyone who wants to lose weight.
Gooseberry is a diuretic, laxative and light choleretic properties, doctors recommend eating it in diseases of the kidney, liver, gallbladder, anemia, susceptibility to bleeding.
Gooseberry is considered to be effective against cancer, atherosclerosis, obesity, and general aging. It clears the body of toxins, heavy metal salts, cholesterol. Gooseberry juice gets rid of the rash.

Gooseberries are widely used in cooking. And he used with great success in the home cosmetics.
If the masks do gooseberry rates, the effect of skin rejuvenation is noticeable after 3-4 weeks, as many as before.
Universal Mask
The fruits gooseberries chop, take 2 tbsp. spoon pulp, add the chicken protein, 1 dessert spoon of sour cream and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of white clay. Mix well and apply on face for 15 minutes.
Rinse with lukewarm water, wash with cool.
Mask for oily skin
1 tbsp. spoon crushed fruit mixed with 1 dessert spoon of potato starch and 1/2 teaspoon of honey. Stir well, put on 15 minutes. Rinse with water at room temperature.
The mask for dry skin
1 tbsp. spoon crushed fruit mixed with 1 egg yolk, 1 teaspoon of honey and add as much heavy cream, to get the consistency of thick cream.
Spread on your face for 15-20 minutes. Remove with a cotton swab dipped in warm water, wash with cool.
The mask for dry, flaky skin
Grind sweet overripe gooseberries, add 1 teaspoon of olive oil and 1 drop of essential oil of rose. Stir well, apply on face for 15 minutes. Rinse with lukewarm water, wash with cool.
Hydrating Mask
1 tbsp. spoon crushed fruit mixed with 1 tbsp. spoonful of soft cheese, 1 teaspoon honey and 1 tbsp. spoon yogurt. Apply on face for 15-20 minutes, rinse with lukewarm water.
The mask of a gooseberry when pimples and rashes
1 tbsp. spoonful of gruel mixed with berries gooseberries 1/2 Art. tablespoons of blue clay. Apply on face for 15 minutes, rinse with cool water.
Body scrub
A handful of oatmeal flakes pour hot milk so that the milk covered flakes 1 cm. Cover.
Post a swell, add 4-5 tablespoons of pulp from the fruit of gooseberry and mix well. Add 1 teaspoon of sugar. Again, mix and apply, gently massaging on wet skin.
Rinse under slightly warm shower and rinse with cold water.
Cosmetics with gooseberries
Body Scrub "gooseberry and pear" from "Recipes grandmother Agafia"

Body Lotion Star Fruit & Star Gooseberry Body Lotion from Sabai-arom

Shower gel "Marigolds and gooseberries" series Flowers and berries of Faberlic

Gel for intimate hygiene "Aqua Fruit" with the scent of gooseberry

Aroma Elderflower & Gooseberry by Jo Malone
