Nymph Minta
 The ancient Greeks told the world that once upon a time lived in the world a great and wise nymph Minta, she could predict the future, and to heal diseases. But their future Myint failed to predict, it is in love with the lord of the underworld Hades, and he answered her in return. What is not pleased the lord's wife Persephone. Angry, she turned Minto in a nondescript plant - in mint.

Hades grieved over the fate of the beloved, that change was not in his power, and made a mint flavored. Since then, the plant coveted people and the memory of the beautiful nymph has not disappeared for centuries.

Mint - Mentha   - A perennial herb of the family Labiatae. There are several types of mint, for example, curly, water, Japanese ... But the most popular peppermint Mentha piperita L.

In mint direct tetrahedral, pubescent stem gently from 50 to 80cm. height with numerous point zhelёzkami. Mint leaves are dark green, elongated, with a tooth on the edge, on short petioles.

Flowers pale mauve collected in inflorescences in the axils of the upper leaves. Flowering mint in June, July. The fruits ripen in August and September and is the fruit of five nuts.

All the plant contains a volatile oil and has a pleasant, refreshing, like a cooling flavor. Because of this, the Ukraine called cold mint.

Mint is cultivated in many countries around the world. In the wild it grows in damp meadows, forest edges, near ravines and streams.

 Nymph Minta
   Grass mint includes: essential oils, menthol, menthone, phellandrene, cineole, flavonoids, carotene, organic acids.

Peppermint oil has antiseptic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, choleretic effect, reduces inflammation, increases blood flow in capillary vessels, improves the functioning of the brain, regulates the digestive tract.

On the healing properties of mint are well aware of many doctors of antiquity, such as Hippocrates, Paracelsus, Avicenna.

In folk medicine,   drugs used peppermint for nausea, intestinal colic, diarrhea, bronchitis, laryngitis, colds, flu, catarrh of the upper respiratory tract, premenstrual syndrome, varicose veins, anger, fear, anxiety.

- Infusion during heavy menstruation, neuralgia . 2 tbsp. tablespoons chopped mint leaves pour 2 cups boiling water, to insist 2 hours, strain and drink throughout the day in equal portions between meals.

- Infusion for insomnia . A handful of mint leaves pour 1 cup boiling water in a thermos and insist in a thermos for 4-6 hours. Drink at night. You can add 1 teaspoon of honey.

- Broth with depression . 1 tbsp. spoonful of peppermint leaves to brew 2 cups boiling water, and 10 minutes to simmer, cool, strain, pour boiled water to the original volume of the liquid and take 1/3 cup 3 times a day before meals.

Peppermint is widely used both in industry and in traditional cosmetics . Peppermint oil is added to creams, lotions, deodorants, toothpastes.

- Decoction of peppermint   cleanse and nourish all skin types. 1 tbsp. spoon mint brew 1 cup of boiling water, cover with a lid for 30 minutes, strain and use instead of washing.

- Infusion for oily, porous and aging skin . 1 dessert spoon of crushed peppermint leaves pour incomplete (up kaёmki) cup of boiling water, leave for half an hour, drain. Soak solution gauze in several layers and put on face for 10-15 minutes. Rinse solution is not necessary.

- The same solution helps with sweating and edema.

- From peeling and skin irritation . Handful mint brew boiling water, chop, add 1 teaspoon of honey, put between layers of gauze and apply on face for 7-10 minutes. Wash with water at room temperature or wipe the face of mint ice cubes.

 Nymph Minta

Mint enhances communication between loved ones. Mint tea makes a night of love, not only passionate, but gentle.

A mint growing in the country or at home in a flower pot, preserves the well-being of all who live in it.
Author: Natalia Alexeeva