Youth, beauty and health - that is what we all want! Have you ever wondered how closely related these three concepts? And in fact the key point - health. If a person is sick, his hair dull and lifeless, and the skin is far from perfect. Unhealthy body ages faster. Therefore, do not try to achieve a beauty, achieve health - and then will not worry about anything! There are a lot of secrets "healthy beauty". One of - these gelatin! All brilliant - easy!
Why is gelatine?
Because of its unique composition! It - cleaved collagen, an incredibly useful protein makes the skin firm and elastic. It helps preserve youth, suspend the appearance of wrinkles, fine softens and whitens the skin somewhat.
Of course, there are special creams with collagen for aging skin, but they are very expensive, but the effect is maintained only if the constant use. Gelatin, unlike them - affordable, natural and safe to use tool.
But remember that nothing can be abused. Do gelatin mask once or twice a week, not more. This is sufficient to restore the metabolism at the cellular level, improve blood circulation and make the skin radiant look!
How to cook gelatin cosmetic potion?
The main condition for the preparation of a miracle masks - nothing to add, until gelatin is dissolved.
rejuvenating facials
you will need 2 tablespoons of warm milk dissolve 1 tablespoon of gelatin, heat, cool and add 1 protein. The mask should be kept on your face for 30 minutes. After it dries, the skin will be a film that can be easily removed by lifting the edges.

You love
jelly with fruits and berries
? This delicious dish can smear a great benefit for the skin! It will refresh and improve the complexion.
Prepare the gelatin solution, cool it and add fresh fruit and berry puree. Normal skin like orange and grapes, dried - apricot, persimmon, tangerine, and oily - raspberry, cranberry, grapefruit, pear.
If the skin
Try to connect the gelatin solution and
double cream
. These basic components can also add a little honey or rustic sour cream. The effect is spectacular!
No black dots!
And, of course, do not forget about
cleaning properties
gelatin! Masks with gelatin is ideal for oily skin and help get rid of blackheads. However, do not expect that this tool will save us from "heavy" comedones - in severe cases it is necessary to turn to the beautician.
Before applying the mask should be thoroughly steam the skin. The best effect can be achieved after a steam bath, through which open the pores.
So! Prepare the gelatin solution, put on the skin for half an hour and stay calm, and then gently pull off the face of the gelatin film, and together with it - the black dots! Good riddance!

It is important that the pores in this case not only cleans but also narrow, which prevents the emergence of new sebaceous plugs. Repeat once a week.
Gelatin in hair care
Wash your hair a special firming
Suitable for all types of hair. To make it, you will need 1 tablespoon of gelatin crystals, 1 egg, 1-2 tablespoons regular shampoo. Over time, you can train your hair and stop adding the shampoo.
Dry and damaged hair treat
Chop the nettle leaves. A tablespoon of raw pour a glass of boiling water and leave to infuse. The resulting infusion, dissolve 1 tablespoon of gelatin, add a few drops of essential oil of sage and tea tree oil, half a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar. Rub this mixture into clean hair and hold for 15-20 minutes. The procedure is repeated 1-2 times a week. After that, your hair will be strong, shiny and silky!
