Winter rescue products for hands and feet
 Try these simple remedies for cracked, chapped and sore hands and feet during the winter months.

Honey Pasta

To soothe dry hands, make a paste of honey for use before bedtime. Mix one tablespoon of ground almonds, ground oat flour (use a coffee mill or spice) and honey, plus one egg yolk. Rub the mixture into your hands and ask someone to help you put on a pair of cotton gloves. Leave the gloves on the night. In the morning, wash your hands with cool water - and you immediately feel the softness.

Hand cream homemade

It is always important to keep your hands moisturized. For natural moisturizing hand mix wheat germ oil with your favorite essential oil. Keep nutrient mixture close during the day and use it at bedtime.

For chapped hands

Moisturize dry, chapped hands with oil of sandalwood, chamomile or rose, mixed with a nutrient base such as hazelnut or avocado.

Best savior Foot

Cold weather and the constant heat in warm shoes deprives our legs natural moisture. The best solution to the problem - daily exfoliation in the shower. Pumice stone and sawing leg (the same as for the hands, just great) - an indispensable tool for softening calluses and corns. Then leave it to dry and apply a good moisturizer. Before going to bed, plenty of leg Spread cream and wear socks for intensive treatment during sleep.

Turn in rough skin soft

Apply soothing cream (especially well softens aloe vera) to his feet before going to bed, as follows them while massaging. Try a cream for foot massage with peppermint or menthol for a soft feel and freshness. You also can not go wrong if you start your day with the same cream.
Author: Ann, New York