What if you do not want to do anything?
 So we waited for the spring heat, the first flowers ... At this wonderful time because I want to spend more time outdoors, enjoy the fresh air and wonderful weather. But, unfortunately, in this period of awakening and renewal of nature, many, and often women, rather than enjoy life, fall into a state of melancholy or, as it is called, "spring fatigue".

It seems to be pleased with the sun, but there is no strength and energy to go out for a walk, a walk in the park, go home favorite pastime, but just everyday household chores. So close to this depression!

If you realize that your fatigue is any reason not caused by overload at work and at home, if you all the time draws to lie down on a sofa, often headache, loss of interest in is interested primarily studies, overwhelmed sad thoughts - it is likely that You spring depression. If you do not want to foolishly spend the spring in the dreary idleness to self-flagellation, take action, pull yourself out of this state. But first try to understand where does this attack - Spring fatigue, depression or spring.

Where does fatigue spring
The causes of fatigue spring a few here and solar starvation winter months, and the food poor on vitamins. But the main reason for the spring ailments, many scientists in recent years tend to assume the mismatch of biorhythms of different organs and systems. Even the term invented this - "Spring desynchronosis."

As is known, in the spring increases the duration of daylight, increasing solar activity and the magnetic field of the Earth. These processes are actively react to our internal biological clock: increases the amplitude of the rhythms of many functions of the body, increases the excitability of the nervous system, increases the secretion of hormones of the endocrine glands, and gastrointestinal tract. But the reserves of the body to cope with the agile, just not enough. All that has been accumulated before winter, has already been spent, and new reserves have yet to acquire. As a consequence, the body as it loses its rhythm and becomes less resistant to a variety of adverse effects (including to changes in the weather), reduced immunity, there are problems with the well-being, as well as the seasonal exacerbation of chronic diseases.

This imbalance - active hormonal changes and the acceleration of metabolism on a background of limited domestic reserves of the body - is the main cause spring fatigue, in any case, according to many experts in this matter. Although, it should be noted that the point in addressing the causes of spring fatigue is not yet set ...

 What if you do not want to do anything?
 Spring fatigue movement wins
What you need to do to get out of the spring blues? Well, firstly, you want it! After all, in principle, most likely the problem will go myself, somewhere closer to the summer, when over a period of "spring of DS." Unless, of course, it's only seasonal changes and depression are not accompanied by serious psychological disorders and diseases of the internal organs.

But your time is dear to you? You do not want to spend a beautiful spring days in the spleen, and you do not intend to let the healing process take its course! Then, take yourself in hand and literally make anything to do! Here the main thing - to start, do not lie on the couch, staring at the ceiling, or mindlessly clicking a button on the TV remote control.

As the appetite comes with eating, and energy comes during movement activity. Most of the specialists dealing with spring fatigue, are inclined to believe that in the spring, in contrast to the fall, do not overly care of yourself, providing a "gentle treatment": on the contrary, give yourself adequate load - jogging or walking in the morning, a good pace in the work, interesting hobby. Starting with a small, increase their activity. But, of course, and here it is important not to overdo it. Overload themselves with work, school, household chores and a bunch of other things beyond measure, you can "self-fulfilling" stress, and then spring fatigue can easily go to the chronic fatigue.

 What if you do not want to do anything?
 What you need to eat to be depressed in spring
The second thing to notice is the power of your daily diet. Of course, spring is already there on the shelves of fresh herbs, early vegetables, but especially eager to snatch at them is not necessary, they are grown in greenhouses, which certainly reduces them content of vitamins and other nutrients, but increases the risk of poison nitrates.

Admission vitamins will improve the situation somewhat, but not solve it. Special studies have shown that even saturation of the body in the spring of pure preparations of vitamins and minerals, in terms of combat spring fatigue is ineffective. Most likely, the beneficial effects of fresh vegetables, fruit and vegetables is due to the totality of their constituent components, not just vitamins and minerals, and organic acids, essential oils, volatile, antioxidants, plant hormones. These substances are contained in an abundance of greens and vegetables, berries, fruits, are certain structural information and affect the function of the nervous and endocrine systems, muscles, as well as various internal organs, facilitating the restructuring of the spring body.

But if with fresh herbs from the garden fruits and vegetables will have to wait in the best case until mid-May, the great stimulator of the spring we can provide for themselves immediately. It - germ of cereals .

 What if you do not want to do anything?
 The benefits of sprouts for health has long been known, and the latest scientific studies have confirmed this view. Seedling - hatched corn, which concentrates a huge amount of energy, accumulate biologically active substances, including vitamins, minerals, enzymes and so on. As it turned out, when germination due to a sharp intensification of the enzymes contained in it splits proteins, fats, carbohydrates, facilitating their assimilation by the body. Besides these enzymes, seedlings after eating, and continue to operate in the body, thus preserving its internal strength.

During germination it dramatically increases the content of natural antioxidants, antibiotics, growth stimulants. Thus, in wheat seedlings of the same content of vitamins C, B, E increases several times in comparison with the feedstock. Biological energy of seedlings is so high that the food value they can replace a lot of expensive products, dietary supplements and vitamin-mineral complexes.

 What if you do not want to do anything?
 Besides cereal seedlings, safely include in your diet salad of wild greens (young shoots of nettle, dandelion, goutweed, asparagus, raspberries) - is a very useful spring meal, only to collect it should be, of course, outside the city and away from the highways.

Because the product is good, "antidepressants" are chocolate, nuts, bananas. Do not forget about the kiwi, lemons and other citrus, we are more accustomed to use them in the winter, but in the days of spring they saved quite a lot of vitamin C, volatile and other nutrients.

But in last year's apples, even in the winter varieties, adapted to long storage, the vitamins in the spring completely destroyed. But until the summer are stored vitamins C, B, A sauerkraut.

It should not be neglected in the spring days eating meat and fish - they contain large amounts of vitamins and minerals as well as enzymes that activate digestion. Well, saltwater fish and seafood are useful, without a doubt, at any time, except for the securities of fats, they are rich in magnesium, raises the tone.

Spring is not the time to diet
In the spring, trying unsuccessfully to get into your pants last year, or an easy skirt, we are annoyed we see that the winter did not pass unnoticed to us and awarded overweight. And here begins Desperate attempts to get rid of them as quickly as possible.

Experts in the field of healthy nutrition warn that this time of year not to experiment with food, especially not to be carried away by radical diets. Such diets may exacerbate the spring stress and lead to an aggravation of many chronic diseases.

 What if you do not want to do anything?
 To feel good and lose weight, so you should not limit yourself to choosing products. The main thing - know when to stop! Food should be varied, portions - small, power - fractional. Add to that the optimal amount of exercise, and by the summer be sure to leave extra weight. And there will be to enrich the diet of berries, vegetables, fruit, making the menu easier and less nutritious.

Well, still a very important aspect of the fight with the spring depression - by all means to maintain a positive mood. Meeting with friends, positive books and movies, good music, new enthusiasm and new experiences, travel - all of which help restore and maintain good spirits. You will not have time to think about "spring depression", and excellent spring mood will be with you during this difficult season!
Author: Olga Travleeva